• Welcome! This is a group for Logos Bible Software users to discuss the Media tool: get help, share tips, make suggestions, etc.
  • Good day, also when I copy a text into the sermon builder, it adds random letters into the text. example. yAdam kfaithful
    1. Hi -- that's really strange! Can you share more about where you are copying the text from and which device you are using when pasting into Sermon Builder? A video / screen recording of this would be super helpful for the team as well.
  • Good day, When I use the slides to prepare a sermon. It keeps the title (in small font) on every slide. How do I remove this? - Beyond the Grave (in white) not at the top but the middle and the back
    1. I cannot send a picture from maps to powerpoint or Keynote. I just get one blank slide. Any thoughts?
      1. Hi , I haven't seen this issue on my Mac and I also tried exporting a Map to Powerpoint on Win 11 and didn't run into any problems there either. Are you exporting from the Media tool, the Atlas, or an image from a resource?
    2. Why is it that every time I try to send slides to PowerPoint, it only sends one slide, but it's duplicated?
      1. That sounds like a frustrating experience. I am trying to replicate the issue. Can you give me more details on what slides you are trying to send to PowerPoint? Screenshots or video would be super helpful.
    3. so many of the slide templates use the wrong colors, or need editing... how can I make the changes and then save the template for future use?
      1.  — Edited

        Is there a way to adjust line spacing on slides in the media tool? I use a bulleted list for application slides and I can't get any separation between 1 bullet point and the next.
        1. Is there a way to download all of the verse of the day pictures into one folder? I'd like to use them for my desktop wallpaper.
          1. How can I set default settings for a scripture in sermon builder? For instance, for every slide I have to change the resolution to the correct size. Also, I use the KJV and I have to manually delete the 1900 after it for each reference. It seems there should be a way to create a default setting for these but I cannot find it. Help
            1. Any updates on this question? I find myself spending alot of extra time editing slides for the reason
            2. At this time, per the emails I have been getting, there is not a place to change the default settings. It might come in future updates but not now. For me, it is quicker to do all the slides myself. Sadly...
            3. Thanks. I haven't figure it all out. But one thing I have done is edit a blank slide to 1080p and upload it. Then it becomes user media rather than logos media. If I use the user media file then it's one less edit I have to make.
          2. when I use sermon builder the slides that are created, have a fairly small font. Is there a way I can specify the minimum font size to be used on a slide?
            1. Depending on the style of the slide, Heading 1 vs. Normal, for example, it defaults to a specific size. As of now, there's not a particular setting you can go into and have it consistently show up in that size. However, this is an area that our development team is putting a lot of focus on throughout the early part of 2023 and I will be adding this suggestion to the enhancement list. Thanks for reaching out about this.
          3. I must be missing something. I have no option to add media in the tool. Also I do not have the 'add media' button in the Notes toolbar. Using v9 on Windows 11