Logos Prayer Lists
Discussion Topic • Bellingham, WA • 1 member • 30 followers
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A group for users of Logos Bible Software to discuss Prayer Lists.
Follow- Can I subsection be added for the Prayer Requests, such that we can *First, Create a Prayer List (e.g., Faithlife) *Then create a sub-notebook (e.g., Peter Paul Gensen) *Then track the requests offered in prayer for that person (e.g., Prayer for help with sermon preparation, Son has run away from home - pray that he'd return, etc.), such that each individual prayer request for that person is tracked, and can be marked as answered. Lastly, can the feature be added that allows us to view the history of when we prayed for a particular request--we can then view how consistent or inconsistent we were, how long we had been praying for a particular request.
- Henry, I agree that an extra level/ subsection would be great. I wonder if the present feature to add a 'tag' can be of value ?
- Dear Jesus, send your Spirit on us so that we will be taught to pray. Prayer is hard, requiring great effort, but when done, effortless. I confess I have never liked to pray. Prayer is too much like begging. So I have to pray that your generous Spirit will teach me to beg. I beg you to help all of us discover that our lives are constituted by prayer, so that we may be in your world one mighty, joyous prayer. Make us so rested by such prayer, so content to be your people, that we kill no more. AMEN. Hauerwas, S. (2003). Prayers Plainly Spoken (p. 24). Wipf and Stock Publishers.
- Suggestion: A Toggle to keep answered prayer list in the active list or send to the answered prayer category. Prayers for an individual my be many and if one is answered others are not. It's too cumbersome to re-create the prayer list of an individual each time one item may be answered and others are yet top be answered. e.g. My children are on my daily list, and I pray for several items for each child, some get answered and some are more long term. I'd like to be able to see both columns, answered and unanswered on the active list as I am praying through the list each day. Being able to see past answers to prayers are an encouragement to continue to pray for the items yet to be answered. Thanks!
- A very valid request from my point of view! Ken
- I note my partially answered prayers in the left panel, and move them to the right side panel when they are all answered and I want this to go into the answered list.
- How to organize a prayer list by days of the week instead of having one long everyday list ? Are there any LOGOS responses to the previous comments?
- For each request, in the bottom right, there is a check box to "Pray for this Item every day." The "every" and "day" words are links to change "day" to week, month or year. I use this feature extensively.
- Thanks Bill I will shape my prayer list around that variation. Steve from Australia