Logos Resource Collections
Discussion Topic • Bellingham, WA • 8 members • 1079 followers
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A group for users of Logos Bible Software to discuss resource collections.
Follow- I own the Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, but it is not included in the Dictionary collection. Thus it is not included in the resources for a potential definition on a word. Is there a way to add that? How are these built-in collections controlled? (There are actually a number of Pocket Dictionaries - I see 9 in my Library. They are part of the IVP series. Sorry if this is in the wrong group.)
- To the right of the translation portions of the Word Biblical Commentary Series are two to three numbers ranging from 2-4 and they have a plus sign between them. Ex. 2+3 or 4+3 or 2+2+2. Please see image below. They don't apply to the notes beneath each translation. What do these numbers represent? Any help would be appreciated.
- Roger Corbin, under Community > Bible Study > Logos Documents in the left sidebar: https://faithlife.com/logos-resource-collections/documents
- I am working on making collections for all of my commentaries based on books of the Bible. Made good progress till I came to John. How can I set that collection to only include the gospel of John, and later have individual collections for 1, 2 & 3 John? I may simply make a collection for those 3 together as nearly all the commentaries cover them together.
- Wow! I tried filtering using the type commentary subject:n.t.John, and it worked! But now I have a problem. How do I save that list, and where do I save it?
- Edward Rangel, you can open the Library as a panel and then drag the panel tab into Favorites tool to save various filters.
- Many. many thanks! You seem to have this system figured out! I would love to see the contents in your favorite layouts and especially favorite commands...hint..
- Does anyone know how to make all the books in the POSB as 1 book? I made a collection but can't get that to follow the bible I am using.
- This is what I am looking for, is there a way to get the POSB in a different panel or does it have to be in the Bible panel? If it can be moved, please explain how.
- do it this way it the bible and POSB are in the same panel. One more interesting thing this seems to be the only way to access the entire POSB set at once. If we could access the entire series in a panel then we could just make a link set that would also do what you describing.
- The easiest way is to go to Library and make POSB your top PRIORITIZED Commentary (see 3 dots on top right side; drag a POSB commentary into Prioritize, which should grab ALL POSBs). After this open LAYOUTS, goto QUICK LAYOUTS and Open "Bible and Commentary" -- Then save Layout in SHORTcuts. Should work.
- I want to make a collection of ancient texts and include all books with Augustine in the title. I do not know the operators that can be used. I tried using the * as a wildcard to include titles with text before or after Augustine but that does not work Type:ancient OR Titile:*Augustine* Are we only allowed to use boolean operators?
- No, and I can't really get what I want using the author because some of the authors are interpreters or they are people who wrote commentaries of the original works. I guess I really want books by or about Agustine. I really would like to be able to use syntax like the UNIX/LINUX command line.
- title:augustine OR author:augustine should give you works, collections and biographies of Augustine (I have seen some titles with "Augustin" but the author part caught them).
- Author:Augustine OR Subj:"Augustine, Saint" OR Title:Augustine Subject "Augustine, Saint" finds two titles having "Saint Augustin" (by author Philip Schaff) that can also be found => Author:Augustine OR Title:Augustin
- Hello, is there a way to take a .csv file and use the books in there to make a collection? On Bestcommentaries.com, they have collections that we can buy from logos, but how can I take all the books from the downloadable file they provide and import to logos to create a collection. https://bestcommentaries.com/library/534/essential-commentaries-for-a-preachers-library--nt/ Thank YouEssential Commentaries for a Preacher's Library - NT // by Derek Thomas | Best CommentariesThese are the books marked as "Recommended" in Thomas and Tweeddale's book <a href="http://www.bestcommentaries.com/book/5898/the-essential-commentaries-for-a-preachers-library-derek-thomas-and-john-w-tweeddale/">The Essential Commentaries for a Preacher's Library</a>. The complete book recommends many more commentaries for preaching and other purposes, and this subset is used with permission.bestcommentaries.com
- We used to be able to create personal books with pdf or word doc files its been a while not sure if this would help any
- There is a group called Logos Product Collections and Faithlife has already made collections from base packages. Connect with your base package (or all of them) and once you have the collection you can tag them all instantly and then that tag is your rule.
- Subj:Bible Subj:Introductions
- Add this to the string "OR title:Survey"