I want to make a collection of ancient texts and include all books with Augustine in the title. I do not know the operators that can be used. I tried using the * as a wildcard to include titles with text before or after Augustine but that does not work
Type:ancient OR Titile:*Augustine*
Are we only allowed to use boolean operators?
- No, and I can't really get what I want using the author because some of the authors are interpreters or they are people who wrote commentaries of the original works. I guess I really want books by or about Agustine. I really would like to be able to use syntax like the UNIX/LINUX command line.
- title:augustine OR author:augustine should give you works, collections and biographies of Augustine (I have seen some titles with "Augustin" but the author part caught them).
- Author:Augustine OR Subj:"Augustine, Saint" OR Title:Augustine Subject "Augustine, Saint" finds two titles having "Saint Augustin" (by author Philip Schaff) that can also be found => Author:Augustine OR Title:Augustin