I have read all of Tozers books and have not found where her mentions Oswald Chambers in any of his books. That just amazes me as they are two of my favorites writers.
- Wow all of them. I wish my schedule would free up some. He must be a wealth of insight for you. I was thinking about getting his entire collection, but fear the content would be redundant, as many authors repeat. Does he? Which author has the best insights or do you like the most and why, if you wouldn't mind?
- I haven't noticed that much redundancy. He might have some but the way he leads to the attributes of God so many ways I just love his writings. He just leads you to God in so many ways. He wrote some of the books but the rest are taken from his sermons. The books he wrote are my favorite. Some of the names of the books have been renamed as the years have gone by so they would be the same I also love Oswald Chambers writings. I have read all of his works also. After getting his collection I am always using his collection for searches as I also do Tozer. I also love Charles Spurgeon and also use him for searches. This are the three I search for quotes and topic searches the most as for authors. I read all the above before I got Logos. Sure wish I would have had it sooner.
- That's Good. God Bless you.