Penta=5 Teuch = scrolls (first five books of the bible also known as Torah, law of Moses)
creation of the world: (Gen i-2) God creates a perfect creation, perfect environment, perfect creatures and creates man in his image. everything was created with a purpose and roles/duties. God gave man everything except the fruit of the tree of wisdom. This is where sin comes in (Gen 3) because of disobedience that perfect environment was disrupted and sin and death entered the world through Adam and eve. (Bringing forth a downhill progression.
Because of this sin shame is inserted, shame of their actions and shame around each other (end of gen 2 says "they were naked and unashamed!) in gen 3 they begin to try to cover up with fig leaves because they were ashamed around each other, they also start to feel guilty before god so guilt is introduced, before a great relationship with god existed but now because of the guilt they begin to hide from god and fear is implanted, fear of what god is going to do(consequences) because of that fear blame is brought forth and Adam starts by blaming eve , eve blames the serpent (neither taking responsibility). religion is introduced and here is why: they tried to cover themselves up using fig leaves in hopes that their covering will hinder God from seeing them and seeing the depth of their sin.
- like in our lives we feel ashamed for our sins and guilt for disappointing god, we fear the consequences, so we look for reasons as to not accept blame for our actions and blame those reasons, so we begin to look for something to prevent God's judgement whether it's pretending he doesn't exist to other beliefs systems or substitutes for us.
god's redemptive plan key verse: " the lord god made for Adam and for his wife garments
of skin and clothed them" (Gen 3:21) ESV
This verse and the actions involved in them are a prefigure of his redemption plan. Even though man was guilty and deserving of punishment, judgement and death, God had grace and mercy upon mankind and instead of destroying them (he God) used an innocent animal for its skin to clothe Adam and Eve instead of the fig leaves they used. (Remember the religion comment) from this we see God had already decided to forgive sinful mankind and use an innocent substitute in the place of man so that we can go free and experience the grace and mercy from god, meanwhile he places his wrath "on something/someone else (as we know the ultimate fulfillment sacrifice is Jesus.)