A Christian's Walk
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- People don't realize the importance of reading the word, in the beginning was the word and the word was with God , the reason its a living breathing book is because the word is Jesus and only through the word can you know who he is and what his will is. I know it can be difficult to get in it at first but we must ask God to soften our hearts and put zeal in it for the word. No matter how many movies or testimonies about God you partake in, it is not your true relationship with God. Being a Christian is having a relationship with God not being religious.
- Joshua 6:1-27 (ESV): The Fall of Jericho It was brought to my attention something really mind blowing during my bible studies that this chapter is like a foreshadowing of the day of the Lord. And even everything before that mainly the exodus til this point. 1:People of God were slaves that needed salvation= as we are and do too 2: by 10 acts judgment he judges the people of Egypt and frees his people = as he frees us(judgements are pointing to the day of the lord) 3: then 40 yrs of wilderness = our sanctification process. 4: the story of rehab ties the red string = symbolic of the blood of Jesus needed to provide (Gentiles salvations) she is the only survivor along with her family(a sinful person who followed the will of God and had fear of the lord)also ends up marrying the generation relative before Jesus= very reminiscent of us (church)being the bride of God. 5: the shouts and rams horn (revelation) 6: the conquering of Jericho to the promised land= our promised land on the day of the lord. Really beautiful and amazing and the reason we must study the Bible not just read devotionals. Seeing God's big picture and understanding who he is becomes so much simpler as we have these revelations.
- because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. Romans 10:9-10 ESV Doctrine matters, context matter Romans 9-10 are the biggest argument against the sinners prayer. We have many people deceived into thinking they have truly been saved with out a change of heart because someone said you believe in him then your saved. Romans makes it clear that the change in your heart and full acceptance of Jesus as your Lord(meaning ruler of your life, he gets to dictate how we live our lifes) is what justifies us for salvation. Scripture interprets Scripture Matthew 10:32–34 (ESV): So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven. When in Romans says confessing one is saved or into salvation think of Matthew 10: 32-34 that's the context of the thought behind confessing(acknowledging) other wise Jesus and Isaiah wouldn't say: Mark 7:6–8 (ESV): And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, “ ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; 7 in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ 8 You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.” This is the issue we have in the church/Christian community were many are unknowgly being lead into hypocritical life's of seeking a feeling or comfort from their continual rebellion.." God knows my heart" or "I profess my religious beliefs therefore I am saved" This may be very well so for those who truly know our Lord and savior and I am in no way unvalitating that because only you yourself and God knows the truth, by breaking this down im inviting anyone reading this to do a heart inventory and to privately come to the conclusion with the help of the Holy Spirit. There will come a day when no one will have a chance to do this- Matthew 7:22–23 (ESV): On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ I pray that this would help strengthen your desire to know our Lord and his word more and have a zeal for the things of God. God has given us the grace and mercy to come to him and walk with him and spread him to others with the right heart he will accept us with Jesus inputted righteousness giving us to right for forgiveness and salvation, not based on works or anything anyone else says. We do work because we are saved and want to please the father not the other way around.
- THE GOSPELS AND ACTS KEY WORD: SAVIOR -The word gospel simply means good news. - Each of the 4 Gospels was written by a different PERSON here it is to a different group of PEOPLE for a different PURPOSE. - Matthew, Mark, and Luke theologians refer to as " THE Synoptic Gospels" because they are very similar in their content. - 90% of the gospel of John is unique to John meaning it’s not found in any of the other 3 gospels and was written later than the other 3(only 8% of what's is in John is repeated) KEY WORD: STORIES BOOK OF MATTHEW WRITER: Matthew was a Jewish man and one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. AUDIENCE: Matthew was written primarily to the Jewish people. PURPOSE: His purpose was to convince the Jew that this Jesus whom they had just crucified was indeed the Messiah that the Old Testament promised. FEATURES: For this reason. Matthew uses more OT scripture than the other gospel writers. SERMONS & TEACHINGS: The Jewish people needed to know what Jesus believed and what he taught before they believed in him. Matthew includes 5 "sermons" throughout the book. FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY: Matthew sought out, like a lawyer, to prove to the Jewish people that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah by proving He was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. 12 TIMES IN MATTHEW WE SEE "THIS HAPPENED TO FULFILL WHAT WAS SPOKEN BY THE PROPHETS" BOOK OF MARK WRITER: Mark was not an apostle but was the Apostle Peter's scribe. AUDIENCE: Mark lived in Rome when he wrote his gospel. Therefore, his gospel was written primarily to the Romans. PURPOSE: His purpose was to convince the Romans Jesus was God. FEATURES: Mark removed the genealogy, most of the parables, Jesus’ nativity, and references to the OT (Romans weren't familiar with Jewish OT) and included more miracles and healing because he knew his audience would be more interested in what Jesus could DO rather than what he TAUGHT. BOOK OF LUKE WRITER: Luke was a physician and the only Gentile writer of scripture. AUDIENCE: Luke wrote his gospel to the Gentile (non-Jewish) audience. PURPOSE: His purpose was to convince Gentiles that Jesus didn't just come for the Jews, He came for all people. FEATURES: Luke included several stories and parables that are only found in Luke that highlight Jesus' ministry to the outcasts, the sinners, the hated Samaritan, the lepers, the tax collectors, and other groups that were considered the "dregs" of society. HOW LUKE HIGHLIGHTS GOD'S LOVE The parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10: 29-37) To highlight that the Samaritans are not only capable of good but that Jesus loves them too. (Benign religious doesn't automatically make you good and non-religious bad) (religious ∅ = follower of God). Jesus' love for a prostitute (Lk 7 :46-50) Highlights this to show that even if you made mistakes and made a mess of your life and done things you aren't proud of, Jesus came to die on the cross for you and loves you just the way you are just as much as he would a religious person.( you don't have to be perfect to accept Jesus love for you, he will change you inside and out through his holy spirit by sanctification). The parable of the prodigal son (Lk 15: 11-32) Highlights that God loves the broken, people who have made mistakes and made a mess of their lives. The story of the Rich man and Lazarus (16: 19-31) Highlights that you don't need status and money to be loved by Jesus. Jesus heals the 10 lepers (Lk 17: 11-19) Highlights that Jesus came to love, to save and heal even the leper(sick). Parable of the Widow and the Judge (Lk 18:1-8) Highlight that those who are persistent in prayer will be rewarded (have faith and you will not be cast aside). Jesus’ acceptance of Tax Collectors (Lk 19: 1-10) Highlights Jesus' love for the Hated. (These are not the only highlighting messages on any of the books just one of the many lessons the Bible has to offer.) BOOK OF JOHN WRITER: John was one of Jesus' closest disciples along Peter and James. AUDIENCE: John wrote his gospel to all people. PURPOSE: John's purpose was to convince people that Jesus was the Son of God.( HE states his purpose in Jn. 20: 31) " But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name” John 20: 31 ESV FEATURES: To prove that Jesus is the Son of God, John organizes his gospel around 8 “signs” and miracles that ONLY GOD could perform. This is the WORK of Jesus. John includes 7 “I AM” statements that Jesus made about himself in which He claimed to be equal with God. This emphasizes the WORDS of Jesus. (Luke Highlights Jesus’ WORKS & WORDS) KEY WORD: SPOKESMAN BOOK OF ACTS WRITER: Acts is written by Luke and is a sequel to the gospel of Luke ( if the gospel of Luke represents what Jesus began to do while he was on the earth, Acts represent what Jesus continued to do through the work of the church and the power of the Holy Spirit.) MESSAGE: The book of acts is the only historical book in the New Testament, and it describes how the gospel spread from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria and ultimately Rome. (Acts 1:8) FEATURES: The book is characterized by the healings and other miraculous events which served to validate the Christian Faith. (In order to prove that God's hand was involved in the new church in the midst of their rooted belief on the OT covenant.
- INTERTESTAMENTAL PERIOD -There were 400 Years between the end of The Old Testament and the opening of The New Testament. -There were no prophetic or inspired writings or at least none that God saw fit to include in The Bible (the apocrypha origins could not be traced therefore even though the Jews and catholic keep those books, they are separated from the original writing by putting them at the end of their perspective bibles.) - The book of Esther the Old Testament ends with the Persians being the main world power and they were in power (539BC - 331BC) - The Persians were destroyed by the Greeks led by Alexander the Great who ruled from (331BC - 168BC) -The Greeks introduce the Greek culture the Greek language as the common language hence the reason why the New Testament is written in Greek. -For this reason, the 1st translation of the Hebrew Old Testament was called the Septuagint or the Greek version of the Old Testament (many Hebrews at this time have lost their heritage (language & culture) and wanted to learn from the Old Testament.) - Following the death of Alexander, the Great, the Romans reigned from (168BC - 476AD) hence why the Jewish people were under Roman rule at the time of the birth of Christ. -During this time other religious groups such as the Pharisees and the Sadducees began to emerge within the Jewish culture. -The pharisees added their own interpretation to the Jewish law (to make sure they could stick perfectly to the law) thus becoming an external religious group that was often in conflict with Jesus’s message of love and grace. This is the backdrop upon which the New Testament begins
- 12 BOOKS OF HISTORY (JOSHUA - ESTHER) - Joshua leads them into the promised land, once conquered the land gets divided into 12 tribes (according to Jacob’s 12 sons) -Judges: for the next 400 years they amongst themselves appoint judges to rule and lead them. (Most of them corrupt) -KEY VERSE: in those days there was no king in Israel... everyone did what was right in his own eyes, (judges 21:25) ESV · Judges: during this time people are living in peaceful times, everything is going great, so they begin to sin against God and start to be led astray. (Similar to us when we get comfortable and start to become lukewarm.) -As a result, God sends his discipline and punishment upon them by allowing those nations that had devices on them to act and due to that they begin again to cry out to God and so he sends them judges like: Deborah, Samson, Gideon, etc. whom would successfully & victoriously lead the people in battles. they would cycle again between peace and disobedience 7 times (another microcosm of Christian life). We do great, disobey, cry out, saved and start over again.) 1 Samuel 8:5: people become restless and want a king like other nations. (Taking their eye off of God's perfect will of wanting to be their king, setting them apart from other nations.) - Many times, we think we know more than God and want him to give us things that go against god's perfect will, so, he gives it to us (sometimes) to show us that we should have been patience and waited for what he had for us. -1 Samuel 9 he gives Saul to them as king. - Saul reigned for 40 years (B.C 1050-1012) -Then David reigned 40 years (B.C 1010-970) David was god's choice (he was after god’s heart.) he had a son named Solomon. - Solomon reigned for 40 years (B.C 970-931) but he was not devoted to God and had 700 wives whom he allowed to lead him to worship other "gods". KEY VERSE: kings 11:11: since you have not kept my covenant and have disobeyed my decrees, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants. KEY WORD =SEERS -Because of Solomon’s disobedience the nation of Israel was split into a northern kingdom (Israel) and a southern kingdom (Judah) from the 12 tribes. - Northern kingdoms consist of 10 of the 12 tribes. they had 19 evil kings, so the nation began to backslide. so, God send them prophets to: expose the sinful practices of the people, to warn them of the coming judgment and to call the people to repentance - Some prophets sent to the northern kingdom were both non-writing and writing (those with books & those without.) writing prophets: Amos, Hosea ... non writing prophets: Elijah & Elisha... -2 kings: as a result of the evil leadership in Israel (northern kingdom) and them not repenting. god allowed the Assyrian to enter the promised land and "scatter the people over the face of the earth in 722 B.C. simultaneously in the southern kingdom (Judah)which consists of the last 2 tribes of the 12, Judah being the biggest tribe of the two thus taking that name. -The southern kingdom had 20 kings, the majority being evil. so, God also sends them prophets to warn them of coming judgment, expose their wicked ways and call to repentance. - Some of the prophets were Isaiah, Micah, Jerimiah etc. during 586 B.C the southern kingdom still didn't repent so God allowed Babylonians to take them captive. (So, the chosen people lose their promised land.) -KEY VERSE: 2 kings 24:14: he (nebuchadnezzar) carried away all of Jerusalem (into exile/captivity) only the poorest people of the land were left. during this time god gives them Jerimiah who prophesied hope to them, telling them there will only be 70 years captivity. -KEY VERSE: Jerimiah 29:10 · "you will be in Babylon for 70yrs, but then I will come and do for you all the things I have promised, and I will bring you home again".during the Babylonian captivity god sent 3 main prophets to speak to them: Jerimiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. KEY WORD: SETTLED - After 70 years of captivity god allowed a small "remnant" of Hebrews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the land. it was rundown and desolate, and the temple was destroyed. (Only a small number came because the rest were comfortable and didn't care to go). the rebuilding of the temple was led by Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah after the 'small group returned to Jerusalem. (Books named after those 3 are about going back and rebuilding) however, shortly after the people returned to Jerusalem, they began to backslide from God again (after just being freed from 70yrs bondage). so, God with his faithfulness and mercy sends prophets again to warn them and prevent them from continuing down that path such as Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. REVIEW THE BOOKS OF HISTORY- - Moses dies Joshua leads God's chosen people into the promised land. -Once in they began to backslide away from God. - In God's patience, he sends prophets to warn them for hundreds of years. -They reject the message of the prophets and God sends them into captivity. -After 70 years, God allows them to return and rebuild the land. - However, after they return, they begin to backslide again. - God once again sent prophets to warn them. (that's the end of the old testaments)
- KEY WORD: SOLUTION Now that God's perfect creation got tainted due to man's sin, God starts a reconciliation redeeming process for all mankind by starting and establishing a nation of people who are going to be holy and set apart and devoted to him. starting by choosing a man named Abram (later named Abraham= meaning father of many nations) - Genesis 12:1-3-God makes a covenant with Abraham promising to bless him and his descendants with a fruitful land and promising that he will have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky. God also promises not only his descendants but his allies, Abraham’s descendants become God's chosen nation that was to be set apart and devoted to him. This promise starts from Abraham’s son named Isaac to Jacob son of Isaac and Joseph son of Jacob, ending genesis with Joseph's story. -There are 400 years of bondage (gap between genesis to exodus) slaves to Egypt. -Exodus 3: Moses (Jew raised by Egyptian princess) (Princess father made a rule that all Israel boys’ babies must be killed). Israel cried out to God for a savior, so he raised Moses up to lead them into the land originally " promised" to Abraham. - Exodus key word =deliverance (from Egypt) - Leviticus keywords = man's desperate need for a savior. - Leviticus= book of laws, created law for the purpose of removing the unholiness they picked up in Egypt (bad habits) and installing his (god's) standard of holiness. - Numbers key word = wanderers, because of their disobedience and complaining with lack of faith, God made Israel wander for 40yrs until everyone, but Joshua & Caleb died. (During this period the Jews raised up idols) - Deuteronomy= Hebrew meaning "second law ". new laws were given to communicate god's standards to the new generation who were going to enter the promised land. (From exodus to Deuteronomy there is a 400yr period) REVIEW OF THE PENTATEUCH -Creation was perfect until men fell into sin because of temptation (serpent) -God began the process of restoring his damaged relationship with mankind. [through his chosen people Israel (by Abraham)] -They were supposed to be the holiest people on earth to reflect his glory & goodness to the rest of the world, (make people want to know the god of Jews) -So, God promised them land to set them apart from the nations but because of their disobedience (idolatry, lack of faith) many of them never saw the land, but their children did. The Pentateuch is a microcosm (epimer) of Christian life. 1) Bondage (Egyptian slavery -400 years) we are enslaved to sin and cry out God for a savior. 2) Brokenness (wilderness -40yrs) we at times miss our old life or desire to go back and wrestle with the new standard of holiness that has been placed on us, like the Jews we wish to go back to what was known to us and have trouble adjusting to the changes in us to be more like Christ, which we know is better and greater for us. 3) Blessing (the promised land) when we step into our blessings that were poured out for us by God while we maintain our lifelong relationship with him
- GETTING THE BIG PICTURE (BIBLE OVERVIEW) -OLD TESTAMENT THE PENTATEUCH Penta=5 Teuch = scrolls (first five books of the bible also known as Torah, law of Moses) KEY WORD = SIN creation of the world: (Gen i-2) God creates a perfect creation, perfect environment, perfect creatures and creates man in his image. everything was created with a purpose and roles/duties. God gave man everything except the fruit of the tree of wisdom. This is where sin comes in (Gen 3) because of disobedience that perfect environment was disrupted and sin and death entered the world through Adam and eve. (Bringing forth a downhill progression. KEY WOD =SEPARATION Because of this sin shame is inserted, shame of their actions and shame around each other (end of gen 2 says "they were naked and unashamed!) in gen 3 they begin to try to cover up with fig leaves because they were ashamed around each other, they also start to feel guilty before god so guilt is introduced, before a great relationship with god existed but now because of the guilt they begin to hide from god and fear is implanted, fear of what god is going to do(consequences) because of that fear blame is brought forth and Adam starts by blaming eve , eve blames the serpent (neither taking responsibility). religion is introduced and here is why: they tried to cover themselves up using fig leaves in hopes that their covering will hinder God from seeing them and seeing the depth of their sin. - like in our lives we feel ashamed for our sins and guilt for disappointing god, we fear the consequences, so we look for reasons as to not accept blame for our actions and blame those reasons, so we begin to look for something to prevent God's judgement whether it's pretending he doesn't exist to other beliefs systems or substitutes for us. KEY WORD = SACRIFICE god's redemptive plan key verse: " the lord god made for Adam and for his wife garments of skin and clothed them" (Gen 3:21) ESV This verse and the actions involved in them are a prefigure of his redemption plan. Even though man was guilty and deserving of punishment, judgement and death, God had grace and mercy upon mankind and instead of destroying them (he God) used an innocent animal for its skin to clothe Adam and Eve instead of the fig leaves they used. (Remember the religion comment) from this we see God had already decided to forgive sinful mankind and use an innocent substitute in the place of man so that we can go free and experience the grace and mercy from god, meanwhile he places his wrath "on something/someone else (as we know the ultimate fulfillment sacrifice is Jesus.)