- Joshua leads them into the promised land, once conquered the land gets divided into 12 tribes (according to Jacob’s 12 sons)
-Judges: for the next 400 years they amongst themselves appoint judges to rule and lead them. (Most of them corrupt)
-KEY VERSE: in those days there was no king in Israel... everyone did what was right in his own eyes, (judges 21:25) ESV ·
Judges: during this time people are living in peaceful times, everything is going great, so they begin to sin against God and start to be led astray.
(Similar to us when we get comfortable and start to become lukewarm.)
-As a result, God sends his discipline and punishment upon them by allowing those nations that had devices on them to act and due to that they begin again to cry out to God and so he sends them judges like: Deborah, Samson, Gideon, etc. whom would successfully & victoriously lead the people in battles. they would cycle again between peace and disobedience 7 times (another microcosm of Christian life). We do great, disobey, cry out, saved and start over again.)
1 Samuel 8:5: people become restless and want a king like other nations. (Taking their eye off of God's perfect will of wanting to be their king, setting them apart from other nations.)
- Many times, we think we know more than God and want him to give us things that go against god's perfect will, so, he gives it to us (sometimes) to show us that we should have been patience and waited for what he had for us.
-1 Samuel 9 he gives Saul to them as king.
- Saul reigned for 40 years (B.C 1050-1012)
-Then David reigned 40 years (B.C 1010-970) David was god's choice (he was after god’s heart.) he had a son named Solomon.
- Solomon reigned for 40 years (B.C 970-931) but he was not devoted to God and had 700 wives whom he allowed to lead him to worship other "gods".
KEY VERSE: kings 11:11: since you have not kept my covenant and have disobeyed my decrees, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants.
-Because of Solomon’s disobedience the nation of Israel was split into a northern kingdom (Israel) and a southern kingdom (Judah) from the 12 tribes.
- Northern kingdoms consist of 10 of the 12 tribes. they had 19 evil kings, so the nation began to backslide. so, God send them prophets to: expose the sinful practices of the people, to warn them of the coming judgment and to call the people to repentance
- Some prophets sent to the northern kingdom were both non-writing and writing (those with books & those without.) writing prophets: Amos, Hosea ... non writing prophets: Elijah & Elisha...
-2 kings: as a result of the evil leadership in Israel (northern kingdom) and them not repenting. god allowed the Assyrian to enter the promised land and "scatter the people over the face of the earth in 722 B.C. simultaneously in the southern kingdom (Judah)which consists of the last 2 tribes of the 12, Judah being the biggest tribe of the two thus taking that name.
-The southern kingdom had 20 kings, the majority being evil. so, God also sends them prophets to warn them of coming judgment, expose their wicked ways and call to repentance.
- Some of the prophets were Isaiah, Micah, Jerimiah etc. during 586 B.C the southern kingdom still didn't repent so God allowed Babylonians to take them captive. (So, the chosen people lose their promised land.)
-KEY VERSE: 2 kings 24:14: he (nebuchadnezzar) carried away all of Jerusalem (into exile/captivity) only the poorest people of the land were left.
during this time god gives them Jerimiah who prophesied hope to them, telling them there will only be 70 years
-KEY VERSE: Jerimiah 29:10 · "you will be in Babylon for 70yrs, but then I will come and do for you all the things I have promised, and I will bring you home again".during the Babylonian captivity god sent 3 main prophets to speak to them: Jerimiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.
- After 70 years of captivity god allowed a small "remnant" of Hebrews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the land. it was rundown and desolate, and the temple was destroyed. (Only a small number came because the rest were comfortable and didn't care to go). the rebuilding of the temple was led by Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah after the 'small group returned to Jerusalem. (Books named after those 3 are about going back and rebuilding) however, shortly after the people returned to Jerusalem, they began to backslide from God again (after just being freed from 70yrs bondage). so, God with his faithfulness and mercy sends prophets again to warn them and prevent them from continuing down that path such as Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
- Moses dies Joshua leads God's chosen people into the promised land.
-Once in they began to backslide away from God.
- In God's patience, he sends prophets to warn them for hundreds of years.
-They reject the message of the prophets and God sends them into captivity.
-After 70 years, God allows them to return and rebuild the land.
- However, after they return, they begin to backslide again.
- God once again sent prophets to warn them. (that's the end of the old testaments)