It’s tempting to go drive life looking backwards. When you are always looking back, you become focused on failures, hurts or mistakes. Too often this is what stops people from being in the present. We focus on what “was” and not on what “is.” Re-living and recreating our image never solves the problem, hence why people stay in the past. Unless your willing to change what you see in the mirror, you will miss the blessings that are ahead.
When we look in the mirror and say, “how can God love me. What about all the mistakes I’ve made,” it can be spiritually defeating. The Bible never says anywhere that once you are in the love of Christ your fault, damage or choices in life separates you from God. In fact, the Bible says the complete opposite: “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” - Romans 8:39 NIV He makes all things new everyday. Deal with the mirror through God’s help; it’s time to drive forward.
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