Hello. I love the Visual Filters on my Mac, but is this feature available for any of the following?
1) Android devices (both phones and tablets)
2) Apple iPhones
3) Apple iPads
Thank you! GBU.
Phil Gons (Logos) — Edited
You can add your support to this suggestion: https://feedback.logos.com/boards/logos-mobile-app/posts/add-visual-filters-to-mobile- Hi Phil Gons (Logos), I am talking about the Visual Filters that allow you to highlight words based on the underlying Hebrew/Greek wood. My Android phone (one of the latest Samsung models) doesn't display them, so I am planning to get a new device soon, and I'd like to know if I should get an Android Tablet, an iPhone, or even an iPad, as long as I can see the filters when reading it from that new device. Look at the attachment please. Thank you.
- Got it. Thanks for clarifying, Percy Vega. Those are what we refer to as visual filter documents, which are a kind of savable/customizable search results. We don't support visual filter documents on any platforms for desktop (Windows and MacOS) yet, but we'd like to bring them to web and mobile (iOS and Android).