- thanks, but I should have narrowed it down to just the English verbs and nouns
- I'm not sure how you'd do that honestly. I don't think English words are tagged quite the same way, especially for morph searches and filters. Maybe someone would have an idea.
- If you apply a morph filter to a tagged English version (e.g. ESV) then the corresponding English gloss will show the filter highlights. Actually, this can be a Bible or Morph filter. Set the search to "All Bible Text" in "All Passages" in Bible" for ... Set the criteria to "morph.h:V" and another to "morph.h:N". Set the filter effect to what ever highlighting you desire. This will highlight all the glosses that have an underlying verb or noun. I put in a picture of the filter and the output that I get from the ESV and from the LHB. Remember, the English version will need to be tagged. Now, I have a lot of features and whatnot so this works for me - not sure how much mileage you might get.