- Welcome! Proclaim has a lot of good information about how to use it. Start with this page https://support.proclaim.logos.com/hc/en-us/categories/200235649-Proclaim-Training, which lists various articles about different parts of Proclaim. If you're brand new, then go to the "Get Started with Proclaim" article. Start at the top, read the text and watch the videos, and work your way through the article. As you go, try things out with your own Proclaim account. If you don't understand some things, that's OK; the more you work with Proclaim the better you will understand it. When you think you've learned as much as you can from this article, pick a different article and do the same thing. As you learn, you will have questions. Start by looking for an article on that topic on the "Proclaim Training" page. If you don't see one, then look using the search box. If you still can't find the answer to your question, this forum is a good place to ask. But it does work best if you ask a specific question.
- Thanks
- Ademola Emmanuel this group of users usually helps best with answering specific "How to" questions. My experience with this group is that someone, somewhere has already tried to do what you want to do, so just ask how other folks are solving a particular challenge/issue.