Is there a way to upload a file larger than 600mb?
I know i can go the main computer and put it on locally, but can i do it from home?
- Negats, uploads HAVE to be transported by other means. I use Google® Workspace™ (GMail® is a component thereof) routinely for 25 MiB and larger documents and recordings.
- Hi Ruth Cranton, other than loading the file on a flash drive and physically plugging that into the presentation computer, there are a couple of options: My personal choice: Compress the file with a program like Handbrake. You can download it here: There are numerous online tutorials on how to use Handbrake. A little compression can get the file under 600MB, but too much and you lose quality. Secondly; You can split the file in two using a video editing program then upload the two halves into consecutive Video service items -- be sure to check "Automatically Advance to the next slide" on the first half.