Please help: the lyrics in our Live Stream tab are not always updating with the Slides tab and the wrong song lyrics are sent to our Live Stream.
Like many of you, we duplicate the previous week's service for the coming week. To update our songs, I go to the Slides (Lyrics) tab of each song and type the new title in the title bar of the song and choose the new song/arrangement.
Until recently, the lyrics in all tabs - Slides, Live Stream and Confidence - would always update perfectly in lock step. Now it is unpredictable.
Is there some way I can improve my workflow so I don’t have to double-check the Live Stream tab for unexpected differences with our main slides?
Is there a reason the Live Stream tab does not always update with the Slide tab?
- I think I understand what you're saying. You're saying that your main lyrics, the ones shown in person, are not syncing with your lower third lyrics for livestream. So, the issue that I've ran into, is that when I go into edit the lower thirds/livestream lyrics, if i add any extra gaps, it won't affect the main slides, but now the lower third lyrics are "off sync" since you don't have similar spacing. Meaning, lets say you're singing Holy Forever. Let's say main slide has this: Your name, is the highest Your. name is the greatest Now lower third lyrics/livestream lyrics page: Your name is the highest Your name is the greatest Notice I added an extra space. This extra space is technically creating a new slide. Which will make your livestream lyrics be off sync to your main lyric slide. Make sure that you're not adding any extra space on your livestream lyrics page.
- Also, make your that in your livestream lyrics tab, that you have the thing sent to slide. As you can notice in my picture, I formatted the lyrics differently here, but the spacing is still the same as the main slides so my slides won't be off sync.
- Thank you for the response, but this is not our problem. Our problem is that when I change the lyrics in the Slides tab, the lyrics sometimes do not change in the Live Stream tab. When this happens, sometimes the lyrics are off sync, sometimes they are entirely different.