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How to Read the Psalms
Tremper Longman III
Tremper Longman helps us overcome the distance between the psalmists’ world and ours. He explains the various kinds of psalms, the way they were used in Hebrew worship, and their relationship to the rest of the Old Testament. He looks at how Christians can appropriate their messages and insights today. He explains the use of parallelism and imagery.
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Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition | REBC (13 vols.)
Alan F. Johnson; Allen P. Ross; Andrew E. Hill; …
Since 1976 pastors, teachers, and students have turned to the Expositor's Bible Commentary (EBC) for content they can trust. With two million copies sold, the award-winning legacy continues in 2012 with a complete, totally revised, and updated 13-volume set. This new Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition (REBC), 13 volume series contains 60% new content and provides the most recent evangelical scholarship from world-class scholars including new contributors George Guthrie, John Walton, Andrew E. Hill, Eugene H. Merrill, Andreas Köstenberger, and more.
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Psalms (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised Edition, Volume 5 | REBC)
David E. Garland; Tremper Longman III; Willem A. VanGemeren
With the Logos edition of the Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition (13 vols.) you can perform powerful searches and access a wealth of information on the Old and New Testaments quickly and easily! Hovering over Scripture references displays the text in its original language or your preferred English translation, and you can link the commentaries to the other commentaries in your digital library for accurate research and a fuller understanding of the Bible. Readers will find this series a welcome and essential aid to a better understanding of the Bible.
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The IVP Bible Dictionaries (8 vols.)
Bill T. Arnold; Craig A. Evans; Daniel G. Reid; …
Unique among reference books on the Bible, the volumes of the IVP Bible Dictionary Series bridge the gap between scholars and pastors, teachers, students and lay people desiring in-depth treatment of biblical topics in an accessible format. Articles cover traditional and contemporary topics, including cross-sectional themes, methods of interpretation, significant historical or cultural background, and each Old and New Testament book as a whole.
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Dictionary of Biblical Imagery
Colin Duriez; Daniel G. Reid; Douglas Penney; …
Every reader of the Bible has encountered the powerful, comforting, and sometimes puzzling imagery of Scripture. These concrete pictures with their hidden force have struck sharp and lasting impressions on our minds. Their imprint has etched itself on the language and grammar of Christian faith and Western culture.
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The Baker Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words
Mark L. Strauss; Tremper Longman III
One of the keys to effectively preaching and teaching God's Word is a deep understanding of the meaning of biblical words in the original Hebrew and Greek. As the building blocks of language, words are the means we use to communicate with one another, and they're also the means God has chosen for communicating with us, his people. To enrich your preaching, teaching, and personal study of God's Word, this clear, accurate, and easy-to-use dictionary offers the most up-to-date evangelical biblical scholarship as well as fascinating, detailed explanations of biblical words. Whether you're a pastor, a seminary student, or a lay student of the Bible, this expository dictionary offers a wealth of information about the original Hebrew and Greek words of Scripture.
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IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament Bundle: Wisdom, Poetry, and Writings & Prophets (2 vols.)
J. Gordon McConville; Mark J. Boda; Peter Enns; …
This two-volume collection of Old Testament dictionaries completes the IVP Bible Dictionary Series’ coverage of the Old Testament with hundreds of articles from top scholars, thoroughly covering each canonical book of prophetic, wisdom, and poetic literature. With accessible yet scholarly articles and thorough, up-to-date bibliographies, these volumes are the best place for the student, pastor, scholar, or lay-person to begin study of these portions of Scripture.
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Romans–Galatians (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised Edition, Volume 11 | REBC)
David E. Garland; Donald A. Hagner; Everett F. Harrison; …
With the Logos edition of the Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition (13 vols.) you can perform powerful searches and access a wealth of information on the Old and New Testaments quickly and easily! Hovering over Scripture references displays the text in its original language or your preferred English translation, and you can link the commentaries to the other commentaries in your digital library for accurate research and a fuller understanding of the Bible. Readers will find this series a welcome and essential aid to a better understanding of the Bible.
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Daniel (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)
Tremper Longman III
This volume looks at the book of Daniel, revealing that God, not a human king, is ultimately in control—an appropriate message for today's world of moral decline and political upheaval. This book will help readers bridge the gap between the sixth century B.C. and the present day.
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Immanuel in Our Place: Seeing Christ in Israel’s Worship (Gospel according to the Old Testament)
Tremper Longman III
This book provides fascinating insights into the Old Testament tabernacle and temple, the priesthood, the sacrifices, and festivals. More than that, it shows how Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament sacred space, sacred acts, sacred persons, and sacred time. An aid to pastors, teachers, and laymen in teaching and reading the Old Testament, this work will enrich our understanding of Christ and deepen our worship.
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Jeremiah, Lamentations (Understanding the Bible Commentary | UBC)
Tremper Longman III
Jeremiah is a long and complex book written in the closing years of Judah before the exile. Longman provides clear and accessible commentary, drawing out covenant as a central theme: the people’s violation, the consequences, and the promise of a new covenant to come. He also provides solid help for understanding and applying the ancient genre of lament found in Lamentations.
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The Book of Ecclesiastes (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)
Tremper Longman III
Ecclesiastes is one of the most fascinating—and hauntingly familiar—books of the Old Testament. The sentiments of the main speaker of the book, a person given the name Qohelet, sound incredibly modern. Expressing the uncertainty and anxieties of our own age, he is driven by the question, “Where can we find meaning in the world?”
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A Biblical History of Israel, 2nd ed.
Iain W. Provan; Tremper Longman III; V. Philips Long
For over a decade, A Biblical History of Israel has gathered praise and criticism for its unapologetic approach to reconstructing the historical landscape of ancient Israel through a biblical lens. In this much anticipated second edition, the authors reassert that the Old Testament should be taken seriously as a historical document alongside other literary and archaeological sources.
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1 Samuel–2 Kings (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Revised Edition, Volume 3 | REBC)
David E. Garland; Hermann Austel; Richard D. Patterson; …
With the Logos edition of the Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition (13 vols.) you can perform powerful searches and access a wealth of information on the Old and New Testaments quickly and easily! Hovering over Scripture references displays the text in its original language or your preferred English translation, and you can link the commentaries to the other commentaries in your digital library for accurate research and a fuller understanding of the Bible. Readers will find this series a welcome and essential aid to a better understanding of the Bible.
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The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Mark L. Strauss; Peter Enns; Tremper Longman III
The importance of the Bible for spiritual formation cannot be overstated. It is in the pages of Scripture that we come to know God through Jesus Christ. At times the world of the Bible can seem strange and distant, and the number of subjects mentioned is virtually countless.
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Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | TOTC)
Tremper Longman III
The book of Psalms is the heart of the Old Testament, the libretto of the most vibrant worship imaginable. It informs our intellect, stimulates our imagination, arouses our emotions and stirs us to holy thoughts and actions. It is also a pivotal witness to, and anticipation of, Jesus Christ. Tremper Longman’s commentary interprets each psalm in its Old Testament setting, summarizes its message and reflects on its significance from a New Testament perspective, noting any citation and also providi...
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An Introduction to the Old Testament
Raymond B. Dillard; Tremper Longman III
This second edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament integrates and interacts with recent developments in Old Testament scholarship. An upper-level introduction that includes callouts, charts, and graphs, it offers a solid understanding of three key issues: historical background, literary analysis, and theological message.
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Proverbs (Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms | BCOTWP)
Tremper Longman III
In Proverbs, Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman III offers an accessible commentary on one of Scripture’s most frequently quoted and visited books. With his deft exegetical and expositional skill, the resulting work is full of fresh insight into the meaning of the text.
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Song of Songs (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)
Tremper Longman III
Relationships are a wonderful, mysterious, often elusive, and sometimes painful part of the human experience. The most intimate of all human relationships, according to the Bible, is that between a husband and a wife. It is no surprise, therefore, that there is a book of the Bible, the Song of Songs, that focuses on this relationship. What is surprising is how little attention is given to the Song of Songs by scholars, by the church, and by readers of the Bible. With this volume Tremper Longman III unpacks for modern people what this ancient love poem says about the male-female relationship—and, by analogy, about God’s love for his people.
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Revelation through Old Testament Eyes: A Background and Application Commentary (Through Old Testament Eyes)
Tremper Longman III
The images of Revelation—like a seven-sealed scroll, four horsemen bringing destruction and death, locusts from the Abyss, and more—often seem hopelessly complex to today’s readers and have led to egregious misunderstanding and misinterpretations. But as Tremper Longman demonstrates in Revelation through Old Testament Eyes, this confusion arises from unfamiliarity with symbolism that Revelation’s first readers readily comprehended. In large part, the imagery arises from first-century AD Greco-Roman culture and from the Old Testament, with its own background in ancient Near Eastern literature. Through its unmistakable Old Testament connections, Revelation exhorts readers to persevere in the present and place their hope in God for the future.
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Zondervan Old and New Testament Introduction (2 vols.)
D. A. Carson; Douglas J. Moo; Raymond B. Dillard; …
The Zondervan Old and New Testament Introduction (2 vols.) provides in-depth introductions to both the Old and New Testaments. The second edition of An Introduction to the Old Testament has been revised and updated to reflect recent advances in Old Testament scholarship, and An Introduction to the New Testament reflects significant revision and expansion from the original, making these highly acclaimed texts even more valuable. These editions will help a new generation of students grasp the messages of the whole Bible.
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Understanding the Bible Commentary Series | UBC (36 vols.)
L. Ann Jervis; Arthur G. Patzia; Christopher J. H. Wright; …
This user-friendly commentary series helps any reader navigate the Bible’s sometimes-difficult terrain. Each of the 36 volumes breaks down the barriers between the ancient and modern worlds, revealing the power and meaning of the biblical texts to contemporary readers.
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Old Testament Commentary Survey, 5th ed.
Tremper Longman III
Leading Old Testament scholar Tremper Longman III provides students with expert guidance on choosing a commentary for any book of the Old Testament. The fifth edition has been updated to assess the most recently published commentaries. Longman lists a number of works available for each book of the Old Testament, gives an indication of their emphases and viewpoints, and evaluates them. The result is a balanced, sensible guide for those who preach and teach the Old Testament and need help choosing the best tools. Students and preachers will find this book crucial in building their reference libraries.
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Genesis (The Story of God Bible Commentary | SGBC)
Tremper Longman III
Genesis provides pastors, students, Sunday school teachers, and lay people a clear and compelling exposition of the text in the context of the Bible’s overarching story—God’s story. Tremper Longman III moves away from “application” language, which has been criticized as being too simplistic, instead encouraging discussion of how Genesis and the Bible can be lived today.
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Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library
The Logos 8 Legacy Libraries reintroduce the classic libraries of Logos 8. This library is offered without features and datasets, making it the perfect standalone collection of resources to help grow your library with study Bible notes, Bible dictionaries, devotionals, and a few key commentaries. The Logos 8 Starter Legacy Library provides essential resources for anyone just getting started with serious Bible study.
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The Expanded Bible: New Testament
Daniel Taylor; Mark L. Strauss; Tremper Longman III
The Expanded Bible: New Testament reflects the latest scholarship, current English, and the needs of contemporary students of the Bible. This New Testament includes a multitude of study aids right in line with the text. Expanded translations and other helps make it possible for you to study the Bible while you read.
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The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate
John H. Walton; Tremper Longman III; Stephen O. Moshier
“The flood continued forty days on the earth; and the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth . . . and the ark floated on the face of the waters” (Gen 6:17-18 NRSV). In modern times the Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for answers to scientific, apologetic, and historical questions. It is a text that has called forth “flood geology,” fueled searches for remnants of the ark on Mount Ararat, and inspired a full-size replica of Noah’s ark in a theme park. Some claim that the very veracity of Scripture hinges on a particular reading of the flood narrative. But do we understand what we are reading?
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NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC: Old and New Testaments, 44 vols.
Ajith Fernando; Andrew E. Hill; August Konkel; …
The NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC) series shows you how to bring the Word’s ancient message into our contemporary context. It explains what the Bible meant and how it speaks so powerfully today. It treats all the elements of traditional exegesis, and its authors bridge the gap between the Bible’s world and the world of today, between the original context and the contemporary context by focusing on both the timely and the timeless aspects of the text. The NIV Application Commentary discusses the Bible in a way that engages contemporary life and culture.
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Gospel according to the Old Testament Series (18 vols.)
Anthony T. Selvaggio; Bryan D. Estelle; George M. Schwab; …
This important series from noted pastor-scholars fulfills a great need for resources that show how the Old Testament presents and finds its fulfillment in the Gospel of Jesus Christ–not just in occasional Messianic prophecies, but in its essential message. Without falling into arbitrary allegory, the authors of this series present exegetically grounded exposition of Scripture that shows how all Old Testament doctrine and drama is about Christ, even when he is not on stage.
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Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms | BCOTWP (7 vols.)
Craig G. Bartholomew; John Goldingay; Richard S. Hess; …
The Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms (7 vols) is tailored to the distinctness of poetry and Wisdom literature. It provides students and pastors with a careful reading of the text and its theological implications.
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