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Products>IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament Bundle: Wisdom, Poetry, and Writings & Prophets (2 vols.)

IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament Bundle: Wisdom, Poetry, and Writings & Prophets (2 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $79.98
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This two-volume collection of Old Testament dictionaries completes the IVP Bible Dictionary Series’ coverage of the Old Testament with hundreds of articles from top scholars, thoroughly covering each canonical book of prophetic, wisdom, and poetic literature. With accessible yet scholarly articles and thorough, up-to-date bibliographies, these volumes are the best place for the student, pastor, scholar, or lay-person to begin study of these portions of Scripture.

Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry and Writings was a 2009 Christianity Today Merit Award winner and 2009 Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) Christian Book Award winner!

Be sure to also get the first two volumes of the IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament, covering the Pentateuch and historical books.

  • Coverage of each prophetic book, including separate articles on history of interpretation and key methods of interpretation
  • Well-rounded treatments of Israelite prophecy and its ancient Near Eastern context
  • Full coverage of literary dimensions of poetry and prose
  • Well-rounded treatments of Israelite wisdom and Wisdom literature
  • Up-to-date bibliographies
  • Title: IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament Bundle Upgrade
  • Series: The IVP Bible Dictionary Series
  • Publisher: InterVarsity Press
  • Volumes: 2
  • Pages: 1,963
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$79.98


43 ratings

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  1. George T Barnes
  2. Ralph A. Abernethy III
  3. Robyn VH.

    Robyn VH.


  4. Daniel Jomphe

    Daniel Jomphe


  5. albert cox

    albert cox


    This is not a review of the books this is a question,do you not have other books Dictionary of the old testament?
  6. Daryle Froese

    Daryle Froese


  7. Warrick Leung

    Warrick Leung


  8. Bryan Oliver

    Bryan Oliver


  9. Alexander C. Stewart
  10. KJ Niblett

    KJ Niblett



Collection value: $79.98
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