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Products>New International Dictionary of Theology and Exegesis: Old and New Testament | NIDOTTE/NIDNTTE | (10 vols.)

New International Dictionary of Theology and Exegesis: Old and New Testament | NIDOTTE/NIDNTTE | (10 vols.)

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The New International Dictionary of Theology and Exegesis: Old and New Testament (10 vols.) contains thousands of articles, written by hundreds of scholars from over 100 academic institutions! This massive reference work contains articles on the theology of each individual book of the Bible, as well as discussions of biblical concepts, people, places, events, and literary pieces. The New International Dictionary of Theology and Exegesis: Old and New Testament is intended for serious biblical and exegetical study by men and women of all walks of life—both academics and pastors, students and laypersons.

Volumes one through five contain a lexicon of the Old Testament. All words found in the text are ordered by Hebrew alphabetization for easy reference, and coupled with a Goodrich/Kohlenberger cross-referencing number to be used in conjunction with Strong’s numbering system. The relationship of each word in different contexts and languages is also explained, including alternative words, and the particulars of their semantic domain. All this information is, of course, complete with bibliography. Volume five contains a series of indexes: a Hebrew index, subject index, and an index of semantic fields. This collection is an unparalleled accomplishment in the field of biblical hermeneutics.

The latter five volumes examine and discuss the major theological terms of the Bible. They allow you to unlock the significance, meaning, and nuances of words in the New Testament without having to study Hebrew or Greek! These five volumes are a basic enlargement of the German Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament. On its first publication in German it was recognized as a major reference work and has since become more and more widely acclaimed as an important tool for understanding the theology and message of the Bible.

Please note that these ten volumes will appears as two resources in your digital library.

  • Concise discussions of the major theological terms of the Bible
  • Multiple indexes to further deepen your understanding of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic words
  • Arranges entries in alphabetical order, improving the layout of the original
  • Includes words and concepts not covered in the original work
  • Contains updated entries, bibliographies, and indexes
  • Offers a semantic range index for looking up English words
  • Title: New International Dictionary of Theology and Exegesis
  • Editors: Willem A. VanGemeren and Moisés Silva
  • Series: New International Dictionary of Theology and Exegesis
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • Volumes: 10
  • Pages: 8,964
  • Resource Type: Dictionaries

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Willem VanGemeren is professor of Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is the author of a number of books, including Interpreting the Prophetic Word and a commentary on Psalms in the Expositor's Bible Commentary series.

Moisés Silva taught biblical studies at Westmont College, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the coauthor of Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics, the author of Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Philippians, and the revising editor of the Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible.

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27 ratings

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  1. Geoffrey Eldringhoff
  2. Greg Johnson

    Greg Johnson


  3. Anatolii Tsoniev
  4. Craig Bullock

    Craig Bullock


  5. Shane Lems

    Shane Lems


    This OT/NT set is an excellent addition to my library. I use it all the time for sermon prep. It's a great investment for deeper Hebrew/Greek study and insights. I love the layout of the articles for each word: cultural meaning (ANE/Greek Lit), Jewish Literature, and then OT or NT uses. I also like how these resources interact with the LXX. Finally, the paragraphs and divisions make these dictionaries easy to follow and read.
  6. Juan C Pimentel Benitez
  7. Alessandro



  8. Randy



    I wish those who have experience with this set, and who have given five-star reviews, would share some information about them which would help those considering this purchase. Only three out of the 20 reviews even say anything about it. One of them is just reporting a minor typo. Another is explaining that their previous version is less user-friendly. A third person just mentions they are helpful. What is it about these tools that make them worth the purchase for you?
  9. Novan



  10. Randy



    Can someone tell me how this compares to TDOT/TDNT? If you have those, do you need these?
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