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Products>Ephesians (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 42 | WBC)

Ephesians (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 42 | WBC)

, 1990
ISBN: 9781418503932

Digital Logos Edition

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Focus on the power of Paul’s persuasive rhetoric and message in this commentary from Andrew T. Lincoln. Situating the epistle in its historical context, evaluating competing claims of authorship, and examining textual history of the book, Lincoln offers a fresh reading of this challenging epistle that expresses Paul’s vision for ecclesiastical and domestic life.

The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

Top Highlights

“This part of the writer’s petition, then, is that the readers might appreciate the wonder, the glory of what God has done in entering into possession of his people, the Church from Jews and Gentiles, and the immense privilege it is to be among these saints.” (Page 60)

“To live as a wise person is not just to have knowledge but to have skill in living, to have the sort of perception that authenticates itself in practice. This requires ethical insight into God’s will.” (Page 341)

“All the supremacy and power God has given to Christ he has given to be used on behalf of the Church. In this way the Church is seen to have a special role in God’s purposes for the cosmos.” (Page 70)

“The imperative is in the present tense, indicating that believers’ experience of the Spirit’s fullness is to be a continuing one.” (Page 344)

“It involves the courtesy, considerateness, and willingness to waive one’s rights that come from seeking the common good without being concerned for personal reputation or gain.” (Page 236)

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Andrew T. Lincoln is the Portland Professor of New Testament at the University of Gloucestershire. He is the author of Black’s New Testament Commentary: The Gospel According to Saint John.

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11 ratings

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  1. Matthew



  2. Pitrell



    Possibly one of the most extraordinary commentaries in the WBC series and certainly one of the largest on Ephesians ever. Initially I considered returning the book as it seemed too "critical" by denying Paul's authorship. Aside from this disagreement, Lincoln brings so much reference to the individual passages that his work has become an important resource for me in squeezing the last bit of information out of a sentence. I only read it when I get stuck with my standard comments because he writes it bone dry, but I'm glad to have made that investment.
  3. Alessandro



  4. Paulo Rabello

    Paulo Rabello


  5. Mark Milas

    Mark Milas


  6. James Haak
  7. José Carlos Martínez Cristóbal
  8. Steven Blader

    Steven Blader


  9. Eli Choi

    Eli Choi


  10. Wally Kelly

    Wally Kelly

