Digital Logos Edition
The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures by Dallas Seminary Faculty, Old and New Testament Edition is a verse-by-verse, phrase-by-phrase walk through the entire Bible. This commentary explains problem passages, alleged discrepancies, customs, geographical locations, key Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words. It includes for each book:
A beloved edition in many Logos users’ libraries, the Bible Knowledge Commentary (BKC) also contains over 100 maps, charts, and diagrams.
Popular for its approachable style and scholarly content, The Bible Knowledge Commentary is a great choice for its balance of thoroughness and practicality. Enrich your understanding of God's Word with insightful exposition and commentary with the BKC.
For commentary from the historical–grammatical and premillennial perspectives, it's hard to beat this commentary, and the commitment to scriptural inerrancy is unmatched. Thoroughly conservative and Evangelical, this commentary showcases what Dallas Theological Seminary has become world famous for, and offers all students of the Bible an insightful and applicable commentary.
“Merely claiming to have faith is not enough. Genuine faith is evidenced by works.” (Volume 2, Page 825)
“It is worthless because it is all talk with no walk. It is only a habitual empty boast (‘claims’ is in the pres.” (Volume 2, Page 825)
“For one in need of the basics of life, sentimental good wishes do little good, like the common Jewish farewell” (Volume 2, Page 825)
“Faith is the soul looking upward to God; love looks outward to others; hope looks forward to the future. Faith rests on the past work of Christ; love works in the present; and hope anticipates the future.” (Volume 2, Page 669)
“After Jesus revealed that He is the Son of Man, the man responded in faith (Lord, I believe) and worshiped Him. His worship of Jesus replaced his worship in the synagogue. The Jews had cast him out of the synagogue, but Jesus does not cast out those who come to Him (6:37). One goal of salvation is worship of the One who saves (4:23).” (Volume 2, Page 309)
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Dr. Roy B. Zuck (1932–2013) was Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary where he served in various professorial and administrative positions since 1973. A former executive vice-president for Scripture Press in Wheaton, Illinois, Zuck always had a passion for solid, Bible-based publications in the realm of Christian youth ministry education. He wrote or edited hundreds of books and journal entries and currently serves as the editor of the oldest theological quarterly in the western world—Bibliotheca Sacra.
Born on January 20, 1932, in Phoenix, Arizona, the older of two children, Zuck quickly developed a love for Scripture and heard God's calling at age 11. He was so anxious to begin his Bible training that he wrote Biola University in La Mirada, California, to request an application for admission. Biola told him to wait a couple of years before applying. Zuck entered Biola in 1949, held the position of president of the student council his senior year and served as the class speaker while on his way to graduating cum laude at the top of his class in 1953. He met his wife-to-be Dottie while they both served on student council, and they were married in 1954.
After earning his B.A. from Biola, Zuck attended Dallas Theological Seminary, completing his Th.M. in 1957, writing his thesis on the challenging imprecatory Psalms. During his doctoral residency, he assisted Howard Hendricks as a teaching fellow, and gained his Th.D. in 1961 after writing his subsequently published and re-published dissertation The Place of the Holy Spirit in Teaching, which is presently in print as Spirit Filled Teaching. Dr. Zuck's graduate studies at Northern Illinois University and North Texas State University have fed his search for knowledge since then.
Dr. Zuck spent fourteen years in the publishing business, and then returned to Dallas Theological Seminary in 1973, taking on the tasks and responsibilities of assistant academic dean and associate professor of Bible exposition. He became academic dean in 1985, serving as such until achieving the position of department chairman and Senior Professor of Bible Exposition in 1992. Dr. Zuck retired from Dallas Seminary in 1996.
John Flipse Walvoord (1910–2002) was born on May 1, 1910, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. In 1928 Walvoord entered Wheaton College, majoring in Greek and minoring in Latin. With additional course work one summer at the University of Colorado, he was able to complete his undergraduate degree in 1931 with honors. Upon entering the Evangelical Theological College (today, Dallas Theological Seminary), Walvoord pursued a regular curriculum of seminary studies, graduating with both a Th.B. and a Th.M. degree in 1934. By 1936 he completed a Th.D. degree.
Along with the presidency of Dallas Theological Seminary, Walvoord was editor of Bibliotheca Sacra for thirty-three years and contributed a total of 127 articles between 1937 and 1990. Furthermore, he authored over thirty books including, The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook available in Libronix. He is also the editor of several works such as The Bible Knowledge Commentary and Systematic Theology, and served on the committee that produced the New Scofield Reference Bible.
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