Digital Logos Edition
All 23 of Warren Wiersbe's New Testament "BE" volumes compiled into a single a Logos edition resource. Study Matthew through Revelation in digestible sections that emphasize personal application and biblical commentary.
Want the rest of the “Be” series? Check out Warren Wiersbe’s Old Testament “Be” Series (27 vols.).
“Paul knew what some church workers today do not know, that there is a difference between unity and uniformity. True spiritual unity comes from within; it is a matter of the heart. Uniformity is the result of pressure from without.” (Volume 2, Page 73)
“The secret is this: when you have the single mind, you look on your circumstances as God-given opportunities for the furtherance of the Gospel; and you rejoice at what God is going to do instead of complaining about what God did not do.” (Volume 2, Page 68)
“Why do we need wisdom when we are going through trials? Why not ask for strength, or grace, or even deliverance? For this reason: we need wisdom so we will not waste the opportunities God is giving us to mature. Wisdom helps us understand how to use these circumstances for our good and God’s glory.” (Volume 2, Page 340)
“Submission has nothing to do with the order of authority, but rather governs the operation of authority, how it is given and how it is received.” (Volume 2, Page 50)
“The heart of every problem is a problem in the heart. The” (Volume 2, Page 288)
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As Dr. Wiersbe points out in his preface, "The Gospel according to Matthew" has been called by many Bible scholars the most important single document of the Christian faith. Historians say that Matthew was the most widely read and the most quoted book in the early church. Be Loyal is an expository survey of Matthew, presenting Jesus Christ as King and emphasizing what Dr. Wiersbe feels Matthew wanted to convey to us about Jesus Christ and his ministry. This book can lead you and other readers into a deeper love for, and loyalty to, Jesus Christ, the King of kings.
Mark is the perfect Gospel for space-age people on the go. In this study, Dr. Wiersbe focuses on Jesus Christ the Servant, always on the move, always doing the Father's will and serving others. Mark is the ideal Gospel for busy people who want to discover how to make their lives count for God. Studying Mark's intensely dramatic account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ will help you appreciate Him as God's Ideal Servant. You will be motivated and encouraged in your own ministry for the Lord . . . and helped increasingly to BE DILIGENT!
Jesus called Himself "the Son of man." He showed compassion toward all kinds of people . . . the sinful . . . the rejected . . . the brokenhearted . . . men and women . . . little children. The hopeless and the helpless looked to Him, and He never failed to meet their needs. As you study Dr. Luke's record of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ, you will better understand God's compassion and thereby be motivated to a greater degree to show loving concern for others . . . and to do what you can in God's power to help them in their distress. As never before, Dr. Wiersbe believes, God is calling His people to BE COMPASSIONATE!
In this study of Luke 14-24, Warren Wiersbe examines Luke's account of our Lord's journey to Jerusalem, reminding us that the major message for God's people today is BE COURAGEOUS!
By studying our Lord's journey, you will learn about:
Today the enemy pressures you to compromise, conform, and quit. But Dr. Luke explains how you can journey to your Jerusalem, carry your cross, and BE COURAGEOUS!
As he studied and wrote this book, Dr. Warren Wiersbe "felt like a man standing on holy ground." For he realized all the more the truth of the statement of the great Greek scholar Dr. A. T. Robertson: The Gospel of John is "the profoundest book in the world." In Be Alive, Dr. Wiersbe presents the basic teachings of the first twelve chapters of Johns' Gospel and urges readers to approach its truths with the hearts and minds of worshipers. Come to better know the living Savior and... BE ALIVE!
Yes, they became transformed men, those original disciples. In the opening chapters of John's Gospel, you see a group of men who were struggling with their faith and occasionally stumbling. But after Christ's death and resurrection, things changed--because they became transformed by His power and His Word.
In completing his study of John's Gospel (see Be Alive for John 1-12). Dr. Warren Wiersbe explains how you can become a transformed person. He answers such important questions as:
"But as many as received Him, to them gave the power to become..." (John 1:12). This is your invitation to personal transformation and triumph!
Power is the word that best describes the Christians in the Book of Acts. They were a dynamic people in a dynamic church...and what they said and did changed their world. In these studies, Dr. Wiersbe helps you understand:
The Holy Spirit if God is with us today, and His triumphant power is available to God’s people. The invitation to you is to yield to the Spirit and BE DYNAMIC!
In this practical study of Acts 13-28, Dr. Wiersbe explains how God equips and calls ordinary people to do extraordinary tasks. He answers such questions as:
Don't just watch what's happening! Be a dynamic part of the excitement and action of Christian service right where you are. Yes, it's time to BE DARING!
If you understand what that means, the way Romans explains it, you have the key to understanding the rest of the Bible. You'll know:
This book will help you... BE RIGHT!
Follow God's Wisdom! What a difference it makes in your life when you decide to follow God's wisdom instead of man's knowledge! Corinth was not much different from our world today--populous, proud, prosperous, philosophical, and polluted. The church in Corinth had its share of problems, but God in His wisdom had the answer. Don't just "Get Smart" -- BE WISE!
"WE ARE TROUBLED...yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed" (2 Cor. 4:8-9). People who fight battles and carry burdens are the best candidates to receive blessings. That's what Paul told the downhearted Corinthians. They often felt troubled and perplexed, just as believers do today. But God didn't desert them - and He won't desert us either. He comforts His hurting children as only "the God of all comfort" can. This study of 2 Corinthians shows how God can turn your trials into triumphs and your sufferings into service. Discover how to BE ENCOURAGED!
How would you finish this sentence? If I want to be a really good Christian, I must.... How you would finish that sentence is critical. Finish it incorrectly, as many people do, and you fall into the same trap that ensnared first-century Christians in Galatia. This expository study of Galatians, Paul's first epistle, can help you complete the sentence correctly. And it will clearly tell you one way not to complete it. It's great to be a Christian. It's even better to be a really good Christian and at the same time BE FREE!
The cost of living index frightens most of us. Prices go up, up, up. The value of money does down, down, down. Earthy wealth seems more and more transient. But Be Rich tells you where to find wealth that can change your life, and change your attitude toward things that the world calls riches. "People today know the price of everything--and the value of nothing." says Dr. Wiersbe. This BE books brings you:
You can truly BE RICH!
Jesus said: "These things I have spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full" (John 15:11). But perhaps you aren't exactly overflowing with joy. If you could stand a little more joy--or even a lot more!--Then Dr. Warren Wiersbe has a message for you. In this book he:
Author Wiersbe says: "If you master . . . Philippians, then you should enjoy a happy Christian life!" This book, then, could be a turning point for you. Discover the secret of joy, walk out into the sunshine and BE JOYFUL!
You hear about horoscopes, yoga, transcendental meditation, and a host of other old and new philosophies. Do you need these things? Not if you have Jesus Christ and He is preeminent in your life. If you're in Jesus Christ, you are complete! Too often today we try to mix manmade philosophies and legalistic rules with the Gospel. The Colossians Christians faced a similar dilemma. But Paul tenderly corrected their erring ways. He warned against the temptation to look for spiritual fulfillment from sources other than God. As he did with the Colossians, the Apostle Paul calls you to BE COMPLETE in Christ!
Is the coming of the Lord near? Must any signs take place before he can return? Must God's people go through the Tribulation before Christ can return? These are important questions dealt with in 1 and 2 Thessalonians. But Dr. Warren Wiersbe focuses on the real message of these two Pauline epistles by showing how we need to Be Ready with prepared lives, with a prepared church. From 1 Thessalonians, the author discusses how to walk...
From 2 Thessalonians:
It’s Always Too Soon to Quit! Nothing in life can take the place of faithfulness. The greatest ability you can have is dependability. In this book you will learn how to:
This book will:
When the Book of Hebrews was penned, the ages were colliding and society seemed to be shaking. Hebrews was written to Christians who were wondering what was going on and what they could do about it. As the stability of the old was passing away, their faith was wavering. One major message of Hebrews is BE CONFIDENT! God is shaking things so you might learn to live by faith and not by sight. He wants to build your life on the permanence of the eternal, not on the instability of the temporal. Look to Jesus Christ and BE CONFIDENT!
Born Again Is Only the Beginning! Yes, having Christ as your personal Savior is only the beginning. After that, you have to grow up! Many problems in our lives are caused by spiritual immaturity. God wants us to grow up, not just grow old. And He has given us the formula for maturity in the Epistle of James. In discussing Christian maturity, Dr. Wiersbe shows you:
It's all in BE MATURE!
The people who first read Peter's epistle were familiar with suffering and persecution because of their loyalty to Christ. But Peter warned that something new would soon happen: a "fiery trial" of official persecution was about to begin. Peter wanted to tell them how they could be triumphant for the glory of God. We can expect to suffer for our faith, but we can also be hopeful. God's grace is ours for the asking! Suffering in the will of God leads to the glory of God. We can prepare for the best of God's blessings rather than fear the worst of man's hatred. Look to Jesus Christ and BE HOPEFUL!
Don't Be Fooled by the Merchandisers of Error! Some people who claim to represent the truth are really merchandisers of error. They deceive, mock, and defile, as their mouths speak "great swelling words" (Jude 16).
Based on 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Jude, this book will help you sharpen your spiritual discernment. Join Dr. Wiersbe as he uncovers the disguises of today's religious impostors. Religious deception is on the rise. Don't be fooled by the masquerade. BE ALERT!
How to Be the Person God Wants You to Be:
Here’s a book, based on the First Epistle of John, that shows you how to be the person you know God wants you to be. BE REAL!
The Book of Revelation is the book of the throne. Its message is that the Lamb has conquered and all who trust Him are overcomers. No matter how dark the day, no matter how severe the opposition, God's people can BE VICTORIOUS! In this expository survey of Revelation, Warren Wiersbe clearly illustrates that prophecy is practical. The Apostle John wrote this New Testament book to encourage suffering saints, not only in his own day, but in every era of church history. It's time to start living in the light of Christ's return and BE VICTORIOUS!
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe is an internationally known Bible teacher and the former pastor of three churches, including the Moody Church in Chicago. For ten years he served as general director and Bible teacher for the Back to the Bible radio broadcast. Dr. Wiersbe has written more than 150 books, including the popular "Be" series of expositional Bible studies, which has sold more than four million copies. In 2002, he was awarded the Jordon Lifetime Achievement Award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. He and his wife, Betty, live in Lincoln, Nebraska.
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Michael Cook
John William Price
Ryan Vernon
Jon Gruss
Christer Karlsson
RL Williams III
John Zietlow