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Products>Luke 9:21–18:34 (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 35b | WBC)

Luke 9:21–18:34 (Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 35b | WBC)

, 1993
ISBN: 9781418503864

Digital Logos Edition

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The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.

Top Highlights

“It is not a matter of how much faith, but of the powers of the working of the kingdom of God that this faith, however meager and however unformed it might be, unleashes us. The need is not for more faith, but for the active exercise of faith. Our faith will prove adequate to the demands confronting us because of the adequacy of God’s power to effect his own kingdom and rule.” (Pages 839–840)

“Luke announces the thrust of the coming parable as encouragement to persist in prayer to God. He does not say it in so many words, but it is clear from the context that this prayer is about the end-time resolution of the problems of the present and not simply about answered prayer in the normal sense.” (Page 871)

“To be struck is wounding to pride as well as to body. So it is not surprising that the root developed a use in the direction of ‘shame/dishonor/defamation’” (Page 868)

“God does not in any unrestrained manner pour out his wrath upon his People, though they are far from guiltless. (God’s vindication of his elect may even be from a situation into which they have been placed by God as a measured reaction to their sin; but his reaction remains well under control and ultimately takes its place as part of his generous dealings with his People.) Given this sense, it is probably best to take the final clause as a resultant statement and not a question.” (Page 870)

“The widow’s subsequent claim to special care (see Lam 1:1; Exod 22:22–24; Ps 68:5[67:6]; Jas 1:27), not least in connection with the judicial system (Isa 1:17, 23), is a tradition available for exploitation. Against the background of v 2b, the appearance of a widow seems to doom any prospect of justice in this story.” (Page 867)

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John Nolland is academic dean and lecturer in New Testament studies at Trinity College, Bristol, England. He is an ordained minister of the Church of England, and author of The New International Greek Testament Commentary: The Gospel of Matthew and coauthor of Built upon the Rock: Studies in the Gospel of Matthew.

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