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Products>Mobile Ed: Jack W. Cottrell on Grace and Baptism (2 courses)

Mobile Ed: Jack W. Cottrell on Grace and Baptism (2 courses)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $825.00
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Learn more about the doctrines of grace and baptism from theologian and author Jack W. Cottrell with this two-course bundle. Dr. Cottrell walks through these important concepts, unpacking key verses and discussing historical positions. You’ll learn how these doctrines relate to topics like salvation, justification, faith, and works.

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Product Details

  • Title: Jack W. Cottrell on Grace and Baptism
  • Instructor: Jack W. Cottrell
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Product Type: Logos Mobile Education
  • Resource Type: Courseware, including transcripts, audio, and video resources
  • Courses: 2
  • Video Hours: 15

About the Instructor

Dr. Jack W. Cottrellhas been a professor of theology at Cincinnati Christian University since 1967. Dr. Cottrell has earned a BA, ThB from Cincinnati Christian University; a BA from the University of Cincinnati; an MDiv from Westminster Theological Seminary; and a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary.

He’s been married to his beautiful wife, Barbara, for over 50 years, and he ministers at the Bright Christian Church in Bright, Indiana. Dr. Cottrell has been teaching theology at the Cincinnati Christian University for over 40 years, and he’s been writing for over 30 years. He and Barbara have three children and four grandchildren.

Those who know Dr. Cottrell know he’s a huge fan of University of Kentucky basketball and bluegrass music. He likes to read mystery novels and watch Wheel of Fortune and Texas Hold’em tournaments.

Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$825.00
* Your purchase includes this resource, which isn’t available yet. The resource will automatically download once it’s available.

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8 ratings

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  1. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


    The best, clearest, and most succinct teaching on the doctrines of grace and baptism I have ever come across. Cottrell is one of the very few teachers that can really, as D G Barnhouse would put it, "get the hay out of the loft and onto the barn floor where the cows can get at it." It's so nice to see some sanity on these essential but controversial doctrinal teachings. May God richly bless Jack.
  2. David Nowlin

    David Nowlin


  3. Chris Cannon

    Chris Cannon


    Brother Jack's careful biblical analysis and gracious examination of the competing doctrines surrounding baptism are an absolute MUST for any member of a restoration movement church who would like to be able to clearly articulate a biblical doctrine of baptism. He examines the competing theories without simply summarizing all false theories and spending too much time refuting each one. The balance of deeply examining the biblical doctrine of baptism and graciously criticizing the most popular competing views make this course well worth the time and money. Brother Jack's analysis of the doctrine of grace is absolutely perfect for members of a restoration movement church who seek to understand the real saving grace as the apostles and the first century church understood them. I can't say enough what a complete and faithful summary this is of the relevant biblical texts. Bro. Jack graciously considers other leading theories of grace and effectively refutes them with the totality of Scripture. This course prepared me in just a couple of weeks to have a deep and thought-provoking conversation with some of my calvinist and mainstream evangelical friends, and equipped me to answer all of their questions and objections with scripture and grace. This course is a MUST!
  4. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


  5. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


  6. Robert Wall

    Robert Wall


  7. Lasda



    I took these courses live with Dr. Cottrell doing the teaching. I am excited to see them offered as Mobile-Ed classes and will enjoy going back through the classes as a refresher as soon as they are available!



    Highly recommended


Collection value: $825.00
Save $325.01 (39%)
Starting at $41.70/mo at checkout