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What’s Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done

, 2016
ISBN: 9780310093374

Digital Logos Edition

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Do work that matters. Productivity isn’t just about getting more things done. It’s about getting the right things done—the things that count, make a difference, and move the world forward. In our current era of massive overload, this is harder than ever before. So how do you get more of the right things done without confusing mere activity for actual productivity?

When we take God’s purposes into account, a revolutionary insight emerges. Surprisingly, we see that the way to be productive is to put others first—to make the welfare of other people our motive and criteria in determining what to do (what’s best next). As both the Scriptures and the best business thinkers show, generosity is the key to unlocking our productivity. It is also the key to finding meaning and fulfillment in our work.

By anchoring your understanding of productivity in God’s purposes and plan, What’s Best Next will give you a practical approach for increasing your effectiveness in everything you do. This expanded edition includes a new chapter on productivity in a fallen world and a new appendix on being more productive with work that requires creative thinking.

  • Offers a practical approach for improving your productivity in all areas of life
  • Discusses how to use generosity and selflessness to unlock productivity
  • Foreword by John Piper
  • Preface: Busting the Twelve Myths about What It Means to Get Things Done
  • Introduction: Why We Need a Uniquely Christian View on Productivity
  • Part 1: First Things First: Making God Supreme in Our Productivity
  • Part 2: Gospel-Driven Productivity: A New Way to Look at Getting Things Done
  • Part 3: Define: Know What’s Most Important
  • Part 4: Architect: Create a Flexible Structure
  • Part 5: Reduce: Free Up Your Time for What’s Most Important
  • Part 6: Execute: Do What’s Most Important
  • Part 7: Living This Out
  • Toolkit

Top Highlights

“Structure your life by living your life mainly from a flexible routine, not a set of lists.” (Page 30)

“As John Wesley said, ‘Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can.’” (Page 75)

“Truth: We will (sometimes) suffer from our work, and it is not sin.2” (Page 16)

“The essence of GDP is this: We are to use all that we have, in all areas of life, for the good of others, to the glory of God—and that this is the most exciting life. To be a gospel-driven Christian means to be on the lookout to do good for others to the glory of God, in all areas of life, and to do this with creativity and competence. Further, being gospel-driven also means knowing how to get things done so that we can serve others in a way that really helps, in all areas of life, without making ourselves miserable in the process through overload, overwhelm, and hard-to-keep-up systems.” (Page 28)

“Generosity is at the heart of true productivity in all areas of life.” (Page 29)

This book is simply extraordinary. I doubt there is a person on the planet who knows both theological issues and time-management literature to the depth and extent Matt Perman does.

—John Piper, former Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church; author, Don’t Waste Your Life

Plain and simple: learning to effectively manage your time and tasks is one of the most practical and tangible ways you can love your neighbors, coworkers, family members, and the world at large. No one has articulated this better than Matt Perman in this unique book.

—Matt Heerema, owner and director, Mere Design Agency; pastor, Stonebrook Community Church

Matt Perman is the cofounder of What’s Best Next, an organization that helps empower Christians to be more productive in all areas of life, and to do so in a way that is God-centered and gospel-driven. Previously, he served as director of marketing at Made to Flourish and was director of strategy at Desiring God for thirteen years. Matt has an MDiv in biblical and theological studies from Southern Seminary and a Project Management Professional certification from the Project Management Institute. Matt is a frequent speaker on the topics of leadership and productivity from a God‑centered perspective and also consults with businesses and non‑profits, focusing on startups devoted to solving large global problems.


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  1. Jacob Winters
