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Products>Ancient Christian Reference Collection (55 vols.)

Ancient Christian Reference Collection (55 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $1,877.49
Save $777.50 (41%)
Starting at $74.73/mo at checkout


With a wide assortment of writings from the Church Fathers themselves, along with commentaries, devotions, and reference works, the Ancient Christianity Reference Collection provides everything needed for learning how the leaders of the Ancient Church interpreted Scripture. The Ancient Christian Texts Series provides fresh translations of important works from Church Fathers like Origen, Ambrosiaster, John of Damascus, Cyril of Alexandria, and many others. The Ancient Christian Commentary brings together carefully curated insights on the biblical text from a range of Church fathers. With additional volumes presenting devotional material for Christian living and doctrinal discussion organized around the tenants of the Nicene Creed. Together all these volumes bring deeper understanding of the biblical text and helps you to read the Bible through the eyes of those key figures in the early church.

  • Provides commentary on the historical context from modern scholars
  • Includes additional ancient prayers to assist in devotional reading
  • All new translations, many in English for the first time
  • Leads the reader into a deeper understanding of the theological roots of Christianity
  • Title: Ancient Christian Reference Collection
  • Publisher: IVP
  • Volumes: 55
  • Pages: 20,741

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Total value if sold separately:$1,844.49

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3 ratings

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  1. Kelly Fleming

    Kelly Fleming


  2. Randy



    So this is an updated version of the Ancient Christian Commentary, with some extras thrown in? How different is this from the ACC?
  3. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


    I'm so slowwwww writing my reviews, but this one one needs to be done NOW! This set is great and to quote Dr. Mazak, it's AWESOME! I've availed my myself of this set for many years.
  4. Dr. Anthony Mazak


Collection value: $1,877.49
Save $777.50 (41%)
Starting at $74.73/mo at checkout