Digital Logos Edition
What was life like socially, politically, and religiously in Bible times? When studying Scripture, it’s very important to understand the context that surrounds each text. Whether you are preparing a sermon, leading a small group, or seeking to expand your personal knowledge of the Bible, the Zondervan Reference Collection (6 vols.) is the perfect collection to assist you. This collection includes two dictionaries, an atlas, and a Bible reference companion, as well as two volumes that focus specifically on life in Bible times and the Book of Psalms. Providing numerous maps, photographs, illustrations, descriptions, and charts, it allows you to grow in your understanding of the people, places, and events found in Scripture.
Discover the practical applications found in Psalms. Find out what gender roles, social life, and government were like. Unwrap the significance and meaning of biblical imagery used in the Bible. Experience biblical history in a new, comprehensive light!
Please note that this collection is available as part of the Zondervan Bible Reference Bundle 3 (63 vols.).
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.