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Products>Dictionary of the Bible

Dictionary of the Bible

Digital Logos Edition

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This classic reference book has been a standard for the past 100 years among scholars and laity alike. James Hastings, one of the most influential Bible scholars and editors of the early 19th century, assembled this massive dictionary of all Biblical terms in 1909. Written by over 75 Biblical experts and pastors, each entry has an in-depth explanation, summary, cross-references, and contributor. This edition also has a list of abbreviations, maps, and a pronunciation guide. Hasting’s one volume Dictionary of the Bible is not simply an abridged or condensed version of his 5-volume work. It is an entirely separate work.

This resource is essential for any student of the Bible, whether you’re a pastor, seminary student, or general reader. With the Logos edition, all Scripture references are linked to the other resources in your library, making study, devotions, and comparison easy.

  • Contains over 1,000 pages on essential Bible terms
  • Classic reference work for over a hundred years
  • Includes preface by James Hastings
  • List of abbreviations
  • Maps
  • List of contributors

Top Highlights

“‘Envy is the vilest affection and the most depraved; for which cause it is the proper attribute of the Devil, who is called, The envious man, that soweth tares amongst the wheat by night; as it always cometh to pass, that Envy worketh subtilly and in the dark, and to the prejudice of good things, such as is the wheat.” (Page 231)

“‘As a moth gnaws a garment, so doth envy consume a man, to be a living anatomy, a skeleton, to be a lean and pale carcass, quickened with a fiend.’” (Page 231)

“On the 50th day took place the Feast of Pentecost, also called the Feast of Weeks (Ex 34:22, Dt 16:10), the Feast of Harvest (Ex 23:16), and the Day of First-fruits (Nu 28:26). It thus took place at the end of the reaping season, when all the wheat and barley had been cut and gathered, and marked especially the termination of the wheat harvest (wheat being the last of the cereals to ripen in Palestine).” (Page 698)

“Christ’s death is here regarded as having a true power to expiate guilt, redeem the sinner from condemnation, set him in righteous relations with God, and make him an object of God’s favour.” (Page 765)

“But as ‘holy’ came to designate the specific character of J″—‘the Holy One of Israel’” (Page 825)

  • Title: Dictionary of the Bible
  • Editor: James Hastings
  • Publisher: Charles Scribner’s Sons
  • Publication Date: 1909
  • 1,023 pages

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James Hastings was born in 1852 in Scotland. He was a Presbyterian minister and theologian. Hastings was the editor of many Biblical works, including: Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, and The Great Texts of the Bible. He died in 1922.

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Digital list price: $24.99
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