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Products>WJK Old Testament Studies Collection (7 vols.)

WJK Old Testament Studies Collection (7 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $115.93
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The Westminster John Knox Old Testament Studies Collection provides a multi-faceted selection of volumes addressing Old Testament theology. Explore Genesis, Exodus, the prophetic books, and more through this assortment of books in biblical studies. Examine themes including creation, the Fall, interpretation, biblical characters, and attributes of God. These titles will help readers investigate specific theological elements as well as the bigger story of the Old Testament.

  • Connects the storyline of the Old Testament to the rest of Scripture
  • Demonstrates the centrality of our dependence upon God
  • Examines the theological significance of the doctrine of creation
  • Title: WJK Old Testament Studies Collection (7 vols.)
  • Publisher: Westminster John Knox
  • Volumes: 7
  • Pages: 1,885

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Total value if sold separately:$115.93

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  1. Kytriya



    I wish I could add this to my Wish List but apparently that is denied me. :P


Collection value: $115.93
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