Digital Logos Edition
For each section of the Bible, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries summarize the passage of Scripture, including the intentions of the authors, the historical and cultural environment, and the questions and issues raised by a particular passage. But most importantly, the Focus on the Bible Commentaries brings you into the heart of the Bible, by explaining Scripture in an accessible way that makes sense for daily Christian living.
Frenetic scholarly activity has raged over differing interpretations of the book of Daniel. Many liberal scholars claim that it is full of fanciful accounts, some that the prophecies were written after the events occurred. Bob Fyall deals with such questions in his introduction before he goes on to explain the text. He shows us why it was written and when it was written.
Daniel is an excellent example of godly living, and there is a theme throughout the book of Daniel that God reigns sovereignly and that he will use those who know him to do his will in history.
The book of Daniel is also a book which contains prophecy and visions. Some of the prophecies are remarkably detailed and are fulfilled in history, while others concern the coming kingdom of the Messiah. Fyall provides guidelines for us to use in coming to a biblical understanding of God's plan for the world.
What’s more, with the Logos edition, Scripture passages are linked to your favorite English translation for quick reference, or to your Greek and Hebrew texts for original-language study! That gives you quick access to the message of the Bible as you study it! You can also read the Daniel: Tale of Two Cities along with your Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the wealth of other Bible study tools in your digital library. This commentary will serve as a vital aid for sermon preparation, for personal and group Bible study, and for anyone looking to apply the text of Scripture to practical Christian life.
Want the whole series? Order the Focus on the Bible Commentaries (32 vols.)! Also don't miss out on the Focus on the Bible Commentaries Upgrade (6 vols.) and Focus on the Bible Commentaries Upgrade 2 (3 vols.).
“The second element is the acknowledgement that the future belongs to God alone” (Page 66)
“The paralleling of the names of Babylon and Jerusalem symbolise not simply two states, but the conflict between the city of the world and the city of God in every generation.” (Page 20)
“The second assumption is that revelation and insight are needed to discern what God’s will is in these confusing circum-stances.” (Page 29)
“The first is that this figure comes with the clouds of heaven. The beasts have risen from the sea, an integral part of both the geographical and metaphorical world order. This figure comes from outside that order but is intimately linked with it. The clouds echo the glory of the Lord which appeared in a cloud in Exodus 16:10. Then in Deuteronomy 33:26 God ‘rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty’. In Psalm 68:4, he ‘rides on the clouds’, and in Psalm 104:3, ‘He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.’ Thus the unique link of this figure with God is emphasised.” (Pages 103–104)
“The practical relevance of this is that we need to be familiar with the cultural and intellectual attitudes of our world. This will mean study and familiarity with many attitudes and view points which are alien to the gospel. It is not only possible but necessary if we are to be effective witnesses in our culture. The practice of divination and sorcery was forbidden to the Jews (Deut. 18:10–12; 1 Sam. 28:3ff.), but the understanding of it and interacting with it was a very different matter. To be effective for God in Babylon involved a serious attempt to understand Babylon.” (Page 23)
In the face of many liberal and destructive attitudes towards this great Old Testament book, Fyall highlights the example of godly living which it brings to our attention, and shows that all of history is subject to the sovereign control of God.
—Iain D. Campbell, The Monthly Record
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Bob Fyall is Senior Tutor in Ministry for the Cornhill Training Course (Scotland). Prior to that, he was the Director of Rutherford House, Edinburgh. He is an experienced pastor, preacher, and Old Testament scholar, having formerly ministered in a parish church in Scotland. He also pastored a large student church in Durham, where he also taught Old Testament at Cranmer Hall, a training college for Anglican clergy. His passion is scholarship that genuinely feeds and equips the bible teacher.