Digital Logos Edition
Excerpt: "Perhaps before we attempt anything so vast and so sacred as the subject of the Holy Spirit, we should remind ourselves like God reminded Moses, “That the place whereon we tread is holy ground.” Yet the Holy Spirit, Third Person in the Divine Trinity, is the subject of much confusion and distorted emphasis which has resulted in a corresponding disquiet about what really constitutes the true evidence of His operation in the world, and in the Christian church. The Bible is the final court of appeal on things related to doctrine, and from it we shall seek guidance in our quest."
With the Logos Bible Software edition of The Holy Spirit and the Charismatic Movement all Scripture passages are linked to your favorite Bible translation in your library. With the advanced search features of Logos Bible Software, you can perform powerful searches by topic or Scripture reference.
H. C. Heffren has also authored Five Smooth Stones, The Father's Good Pleasure, and An Examination of Daniel's Prophecy.