Digital Logos Edition
In Biblical Principles for Diversity and Reconciliation in Ministry (PC255), Walter R. Strickland II discusses the importance of developing a multicultural vision of every tribe, tongue, and nation in your ministry. Dr. Strickland starts by laying out biblical and theological foundations for why diversity is important. From there, he describes three levels of racial bias and talks about how to develop a diversity plan. Dr. Strickland gives important practical tips for diversity and reconciliation in various church ministries and talks about how to address hot topics relating to race.
The Church has a crucial role in being an answer to the hope that’s within us on this volatile issue in this country. This course will provide you with some tools and theological categories to begin not only to understand why we should pursue racial reconciliation and diversity but also to give you some skills and tips for how to go about it.
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Steven Lang
Pastor Duret C. Gray
Faithlife User