Digital Logos Edition
New City Press is proud to offer the best modern translations available of Saint Augustine. Augustine’s writings are useful to anyone interested in patristics, church history, theology, and Western civilization. This collection is comprised of twenty-two volumes of sermons, expositions, and homilies from the Works of Saint Augustine. New City Press is proud to offer the best modern translations available of Saint Augustine. Augustine’s writings are useful to anyone interested in patristics, church history, theology, and Western civilization.
Augustine was surely larger than life and this translation matches him.
—Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
The monumental City of God has astonishingly relevant things to say to an age of postmodernism, secularism, multiculturalism and globalization. This affordable new translation with useful notes will make this masterpiece accessible to the 21st century reader.
—Karla Pollmann, University of St. Andrews
New City Press and the Augustinian Heritage Institute have undertaken a monumental and immensely valuable project.... I am already grateful that I can recommend the excellent edition of The Trinity to my students with its detailed introduction, extensive critical notes, scriptural and general indexes and above all, its fine translation.... It supersedes all other English editions in every respect....
—Dr. Carol Harrison, University of Durham, England
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Augustine of Hippo (354-430) is one of the greatest thinkers and writers of the Western world. After he converted to Christianity he became bishop of Hippo in North Africa, where he was influential in civil and church affairs. His writings have had a lasting impact on Western philosophy and culture.