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Products>Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash, Volume 4

Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash, Volume 4

Digital Logos Edition

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Almost funded


Hermann L. Strack and Paul Billerbeck’s Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash is an important reference work for illustrating the concepts, theological background, and cultural assumptions of the New Testament.

Originally published in 1928 as Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch, Strack and Billerbeck’s commentary has been unavailable in English until now.

The fourth volume focuses on individual New Testament passages and discusses their New Testament theology and archaeology. The 30 excurses deal with early Jewish festivals, social and religious groups, teachings, sacraments and other early Jewish topics.

  • For Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount
  • The Circumcision Commandment
  • The Passover Meal
  • From Ancient Jewish Fasting
  • The Old Jewish Synagogue Institute
  • The Old Jewish Synagogue God Service
  • The Shema
  • The Schmone Esre (Eighteen Prayer)
  • The Tephillin (Phylacteries)
  • The Cicijjoth (Show Stop)
  • The Synagogue Ban
  • The Pharisee and Sadducee in the Old Jewish Literature
  • The Position of the Old Synagogue to the Non-Jewish One
  • The Old Testament Canon & Its Inspiration
  • The 110th Psalm in Old Rabbinical Literature
  • The Good and the Bad Urge
  • The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard: Matthew 20:1–16 and the Old Syngagal Wage Theory
  • To the Old Jewish Demonology
  • The Old Jewish Provincial Activity
  • The Old Jewish Works of Love
  • An Old Jewish Feast
  • The Taxes on the Products of the Soil
  • The Old Jewish Slave System
  • Leprosy and Lepers
  • The Prophet Elijah after His Rapture from This World
  • This World, the Days of the Messiah, and the World to Come
  • Sign and Calculation of the Days of the Messiah
  • Sheol, Gehenna, and the Afterlife
  • General or Partial Resurrection of the Dead?
  • Court Paintings from the Old Jewish Literature
  • Title: Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash, Volume 4
  • Authors: Hermann Strack and Paul Billerbeck
  • Publisher: Lexham Press

Hermann Strack (1848–1922) was a German Orientalist and theologian. He studied rabbinics under Jewish-Bohemian scholar Moritz Steinschneider.

Paul Billerbeck (1853–1932) was a German Lutheran minister and scholar of Judaism.

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  1. RoamingChile



    Glad to see status change to 'almost funded'. You know how many bought the first three volumes. Those of us all want volume four, please! Almost three years since I pre-ordered!
  2. Richard Banaszak
    I am greatly interested in the printed Hardback version of "A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Volume 4". I would consider the digital version, when it is published, if the pages are printable from the software?
  3. Crystal Sharpe
    It has been a year since I pre-ordered. Is there any chance of this being published by the year 2030?
  4. Alistair McPherson
    Like the rest here, I would very much be interested in Volume 4. I principally use Accordance 14+ and BibleWorks 10+ (no longer sold, sadly as Mike Bushell retired); however, in the last year, I bought LOGOS modules for PhD dissertation and personal study (Strack and Billerbeck, Vols. 1-3)--principally because Accordance does not have them or has plans to have them. Thank you (LOGOS team) for your commitment to scholarship and giving opportunities for better Bible Study by providing greater understanding of social and religious backgrounds in Rabbinic Literature.
  5. Richard Banaszak
    I am greatly interested in the printed Hardback version of "A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Volume 4". Please address this request!
  6. Noy Jan

    Noy Jan


    In concert with the intentions of my original post, I think I am going [to attempt] to comment on this once per month until Faithlife responds.
  7. Richard Banaszak
    Greatly interested in the printed Hardback version of "A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Volume 4". Please address this request!
  8. Mattillo



    Are there any updates on this? It should not be listed as "Gathering Interest." Logos produced the other 3 volumes... you cannot leave out the appendix.
  9. Shaquille Lee
    I’ve been waiting for so long to get into the excurses.. I hope this gets printed soon.
  10. Noy Jan

    Noy Jan


    In concert with the intentions of my original post, I think I am going [to attempt] to comment on this once per month until Faithlife responds.


Almost funded