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Products>MacArthur Bible Studies: Revelation

MacArthur Bible Studies: Revelation

ISBN: 9781418505271

Digital Logos Edition

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God is in control of all the events of human history, and trough evil often seems pervasive and wicked men all-powerful, their ultimate doom is certain. Christ will come in glory to judge and rule, and when He does, faithful Christians will be proclaimed as victorious. That is the message of this fascinating revelation from Jesus Himself.

Top Highlights

“Verse 19 provides a simple outline for the entire book: ‘the things which you have seen’ refers to the vision John has just seen (chap. 1); ‘the things which are’ denotes the letters to the churches (chap. 2; 3); and ‘the things which will take place after this’ refers to the revelation of future history (chap. 4–22).” (Page 8)

“features the Day of the Lord, in which God unleashes His judgment and wrath on the earth in intensifying waves” (Page 43)

“The Greek word from which the English word ‘apocalypse’ comes literally means ‘to uncover’, or ‘to reveal.’” (Page 10)

“These are the messengers who represent the seven churches (see the note on v. 20)” (Page 12)

“This echoes the promise of Daniel: The Son of Man will come with the clouds of heaven (Daniel 7:13)—not ordinary clouds but clouds of glory.” (Page 10)

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  1. Robert Sell

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