Digital Logos Edition
Acts describes the world's initial response to Christ's Great Commission and the spread of the gospel. It provides details of the first three decades of the church's existence-material found nowhere else in the New Testament. To know the roots of your Christianity, you must study the Book of Acts.
“Luke’s silence about such notable events as the martyrdom of James, head of the Jerusalem church (a.d. 62, according to the Jewish historian Josephus), the persecution under Nero (a.d. 64), and the fall of Jerusalem (a.d. 70) also suggests he wrote Acts before those events transpired.” (Page 2)
“Acts may originally have had no title. The Greek manuscripts title the book ‘Acts,’ and many add ‘of the Apostles.’ The Greek word translated ‘Acts’ (praxeis) was often used to describe the achievements of great people. Acts does feature the notable figures in the early years of the church, especially Peter (chapters 1–12) and Paul (chapters 13–28). But the book could more properly be called ‘The Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles,’ since His sovereign, superintending work was far more significant than that of any human being. The Spirit directed, controlled, and empowered the church and caused it to grow in numbers, spiritual power, and influence.” (Page 1)
“In Acts, there is always a close connection between the activity of God’s Spirit and the proclamation of the gospel. Time and again those who experience the baptism or filling of the Spirit begin immediately speaking with others the truth about God and His Son, Jesus Christ.” (Page 13)
“Someone once quipped that God has had to endure three great humiliations: (1) becoming man in Christ, (2) becoming sin on the cross, and (3) the church.” (Page 5)
“Do you agree with this assessment? Do you know Christians who adhere to this way of thinking? Do you believe this rule? Why or why not?” (Page 27)
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