Digital Logos Edition
The Perfect Commentary for Teachers and Preachers! This outstanding commentary series just got better; now complete with sermon and teaching outline. General editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators, blending sound scholarship with life-related illustrations and useful outlines for teaching and preaching.
“It would be best to interpret the talents as opportunities. And in the parable each of the men is given opportunity according to ability and is expected to serve faithfully. This is a parable on responsibility.” (Page 18)
“The grace of forgiveness is to care more about a person than about what he has done.” (Page 18)
“Jesus’ quote from Deuteronomy 6:16 makes clear that faith is not attempting to see how far one can go in pushing God to answer our wishes. Faith is an attitude that opens one’s will to God, that allows God to fulfill His own will through one’s life. Faith that can respond more to signs and wonders than to the Word of God is not authentic faith.” (Page 18)
“The double phrase, ‘He opened His mouth and taught them’ has special significance in the Greek. It is used of an oracle or of intimate teaching, making clear that Matthew wants us to see the sermon as the summary or the essence of Jesus’ teachings. Barclay says this phrase should be translated, ‘This is what he used to teach them.’7 In an emphasis on evangelical faith, it is important that we not only recognize God’s saving grace but also His transforming grace; both His forgiving grace and His enabling grace. In our fear of works-righteousness we have minimized ‘the righteousness which is from God by faith’ (Phil. 3:9).” (Page 18)
“The basis of our trust is confidence in the King. We believe that God is the primary actor on the stage of history.” (Page 18)
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