Digital Logos Edition
The Perfect Commentary for Teachers and Preachers! This outstanding commentary series just got better; now complete with sermon and teaching outline. General editor Lloyd J. Ogilvie brings together a team of skilled and exceptional communicators, blending sound scholarship with life-related illustrations and useful outlines for teaching and preaching.
“‘The Word’ and the Father are not identical, yet They are One.” (Page 30)
“There was a Jewish belief that the soul of the departed hovered around the body for three days hoping to return, but when decomposition set in it would leave.” (Page 188)
“A wedding in those days was a great celebration, no little twenty-minute affair. The ceremony usually took place late in the evening—Wednesday if the girl was a virgin and Thursday if she was a widow—after a feast. Then there was a procession to the home of the groom, a joyous, noisy parade, with an open house and entertainment that went on for at least a week.” (Page 65)
“Birth from above cannot be manipulated or programmed. It is a gift given in God’s own way and time, an act of sovereign grace.” (Page 82)
“How often, like these disciples, we have been fishing on the wrong side, making our own decisions, trying to get things done in our own strength and wisdom, really saying on our own, ‘I am going fishing.’” (Page 283)
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Chris Fiske
Carlos Franco