Digital Logos Edition
Originating as a series of lectures at the University of Oxford in 1885, this book by Bible scholar F. W. Farrar surveys the history of biblical interpretation from the early Jewish rabbis through his own time. Contents includes: Success and Failure of Exegesis, Rabbinic Exegesis, Alexandrian Exegesis, Patristic Exegesis, Scholastic Exegesis, The Reformers, Post-Reformation Epoch, and Modern Exegesis.
“ The Rabbinic age has left us the principles of its exegesis in the seven rules of Hillel.1” (Page 18)
“When I speak of Scriptural interpretation I am using the phrase in its narrower and more limited meaning” (Page vii)
“By Exegesis I always mean the explanation of the immediate and primary sense of the sacred writings.” (Page vii)
“The third rule was ‘extension from the special to the general.’” (Page 19)
“The first of them, known as the rule of ‘light and heavy,’ is simply an application of the ordinary argument ‘from less to greater.’1 The second, the rule of ‘equivalence,’ infers a relation between two subjects from the occurrence of identical expressions.” (Page 19)
There is nothing in English to replace the old work by Frederic W. Farrar.
—Dr. Vern S. Poythress, Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation
...a worthy counterpart to Schleiermacher...
—Donald K. McKim, Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters
...a work of real merit which took years of painstaking research to produce.
—Cyril J. Barber, Author, The Minister's Library
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"Of the great men from Cambridge's Trinity College who have made a significant contribution to the cause of Christ, F. W. Farrar (1831-1903), at one time a minister in London's famous Westminster Abbey and later Dean of Canterbury, deserves to be remembered...The value of Dr. Farrar's writings lay in his ability to combine 'an honest and robust faith with wide and accurate scholarship.' So much so that Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the out-spoken Baptist preacher, said that his study of the life of Christ was 'THE work on the subject. Fresh and full. The price [of the 1874 edition] is very high, and yet the sale has been enormous.'"
"While Dean Fararr was an able theologian, it was as an historian and philologist that he excelled. Readers of his Life of St. Paul will soon observe how his awareness of the broad range of historic events of the 1st century A.D. is coupled with an astute use of early documents and a thorough grasp of the nuances of the Greek text of Paul's epistles. The result is a work of real merit which took years of painstaking research to produce."
—Cyril J. Barber, Author, The Minister's Library
See also: Biographical info at Pitts Theology Library
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