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Products>Milton Spenser Terry Collection (11 vols.)

Milton Spenser Terry Collection (11 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $99.88
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Milton Spenser Terry was a pastor and professor who taught apologetics, comparative religion, and Old Testament. Finding Jesus in every corner of the Old Testament was his specialty, and he frequently gave sermons and addresses on Old Testament prophecies, revealing the God of the Old Testament as a God of grace. He wrote extensively on apologetics, philosophy, comparative religions, and dogmatics, developing his own massive works on Christianity’s fundamentals.

In the Logos edition of these volumes, Terry’s dogmatics intermingle with the rest of your library, expanding your research further than ever. You’ll be able to search through all of these volumes with the tap of a mouse, finding Terry’s writings on Buddhism or Christ as mediator. Verse references are hyperlinked to appear on mouseover, instantly showing you Terry’s interaction with the Bible as you read through his works.

Key Features

  • Contains his three-volume treatise on biblical dogmatics
  • Provides first-rate apologetics for Christian faith and biblical historicity

Product Details

  • Title: Milton Spenser Terry Collection
  • Authors: Milton Spenser Terry, Charles F. Bradley, Charles W. Bennett
  • Publishers: Eaton & Mains, Hunt & Eaton, Cranston & Curts, Jennings and Graham, Garrett Biblical Institute
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 3,161

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Total value if sold separately:$1,282.00

About Milton Spenser Terry

Milton Spenser Terry (1840–1914) was professor of Old Testament exegesis at the Garrett Biblical Institute. He was a Methodist Episcopal Church clergyman who held pastorates from 1868 to 1884. In 1884 he was elected to the chair of Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis at the Garrett Biblical Institution in Evanston, Illinois. In 1871 he was elected to the American Oriental Society, and in 1883 he was elected to the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis. He authored numerous books including Biblical Hermeneutics, The Prophecies of Daniel Expounded, Biblical Apocalytics, and several volumes in Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments.

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4 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Frank Payne

    Frank Payne


    Began reading Biblical Hermeneutics thinking as a layman, that I had a pretty good handle on how to interpret Scripture. Being fairly well read, I was actually just regurgitating the latest book I had read. Not being seminary trained, this book more than any other single work, gave me the tools to read and understand the Bible intelligently, and to explain to others sound methods of interpretation in the Bible as well as all literature. Looking forward to the Logos edition coming out this week.
  3. Michael Rogers
    These works are quite stimulating, encouraging a deeper study of God's word. I agree with Jerome Smith regarding the care with which Terry should be read, although my main concern is not his prophetic views but his allegorical approach to the creation accounts. I think his insights into prophecy should be seriously and impartially considered.
  4. Jerome Smith

    Jerome Smith


    Milton S. Terry's work on Biblical Hermeneutics was the first Christian book I bought as a teenager. I recall reading it through three times as a new Christian while I was in high school. It has been of great help ever since. His other works contained in this collection should be equally useful. He is a very careful and sound Bible scholar. I may not always agree with his opinions (especially on Bible prophecy, which is why he ought to be studied carefully as a check on your own understanding), but his work is always significant and worth consulting.


Collection value: $99.88
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