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Products>Be Amazed (Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Malachi)

Be Amazed (Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Malachi)

Digital Logos Edition

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Wiersbe's "Be" Series on the Old Testament—Practical, devotional, and concise describes the "Be" series. Each of these mini-commentaries contains a wealth of practical insight into God's Word. This resource provides commentary on the books of six minor prophets: Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Malachi.

"To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand." —Ortega y Gasset

We live in a world filled with artificial marvels, and too many of us have forgotten how to Be Amazed

The neglected writers called "The Minor Prophets" call us back to a life of amazement and achievement as they remind us of:

  • God's jealous love (Hosea) The man who married a prostitute so he could demonstrate the love of God for His people.
  • God's glorious kingdom (Joel) The Day of the Lord is coming, and the world stands unprepared!
  • God's gracious long-suffering (Jonah, Nahum) Can anybody run away from God? Does God close His eyes when nations sin?
  • God's righteous judgment (Habakkuk) God calls a wicked nation to punish His own people for their sins!
  • God's contemptuous people (Malachi) Are we taking God's blessings for granted? Are we giving the Lord our best?

The messages of these six Minor Prophets point the way to an attitude of wonder and worship that can transform your life.

Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of this resource by enabling you to find what you’re looking for with unparalleled speed and precision. Scripture passages link to your favorite translation and you can easily study it side-by-side with the other commentaries in your digital library. This makes the text more powerful and easier to access than ever before for scholarly work or personal study.

Product Details

  • Title: Be Amazed
  • Author: Warren W. Wiersbe
  • Series: Wiersbe's "Be" Series

About Warren Wiersbe

Dr. Warren Wiersbe has served as Writer-in-Residence at Cornerstone College in Grand Rapids, MI. He has pastored three churches, including Moody Church in Chicago. He also served as General Director and Bible teacher for Back to the Bible Broadcast.

Top Highlights

“When you behold the glory of God and believe the Word of God, it gives you faith to accept the will of God.” (Page 117)

“Too often we drift along from day to day, taking our blessings for granted, until God permits a natural calamity to occur and remind us of our total dependence on Him.” (Page 53)

“Loss of power in prayer is one of the first indications that we’re far from the Lord and need to get right with Him.” (Page 74)

“The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God can’t keep you and the power of God can’t use you. ‘And who is sufficient for these things?… Our sufficiency is of God’ (2 Cor. 2:16 and 3:5).” (Page 86)

“As He dropped Jonah into the depths, God was reminding him of what the people of Nineveh were going through in their sinful condition: they were helpless and hopeless.” (Pages 77–78)

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5 ratings

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  1. Peter



    Wiersbe is a master expositional preacher. His textual outlines while uncritical are exceptionally memorable and highly popular in communicating to the masses. He should not be dismissed because he focuses primarily on reaching the pew rather than feeding scholars.
  2. Dennis Pulley

    Dennis Pulley


  3. Joseph Park

    Joseph Park


  4. David and Allison Preston
    I was married on the roof of the Moody Church!
  5. Chris Duclos

    Chris Duclos


    Unfortunately, the study guide is not available in this (older) edition, and logos does not have the newer edition at this time.
  6. Stephen



    A source that is reliable and easy to relate to.
  7. Rob Mason

    Rob Mason



Digital list price: $8.99
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