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Products>New Dictionary of Theology (NDT)

New Dictionary of Theology (NDT)

Digital Logos Edition

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Since its publication, the New Dictionary of Theology has rapidly established itself as a standard, authoritative reference work in systematic and historical theology. More than 630 articles cover a variety of theological themes, thinkers, and movements from creation to the millennium, from Abelard to Zwingli, and from Third World liberation theology to South African Dutch Reformed theology.

Firmly anchored in the evangelical tradition, the New Dictionary of Theology is nevertheless wide-ranging in its scope. Over 200 contributors, experts in their individual fields, offer both Western and international perspective. Concise and comprehensive, biblically grounded and historically informed, even-handed and free from unduly technical language, this dictionary has been praised by general readers, pastors, and scholars.

  • Covers past and present theology
  • Offers both Western and international perspective
  • Includes extensive, easy-to-use cross-references

Top Highlights

“Infallibility signifies the full trustworthiness of a guide that is not deceived and does not deceive” (Page 337)

“ so either the sufferings were only apparent, or else the redeemer who cou” (Page 201)

“all of which hinge on faith as the appropriate response to Jesus,” (Page 349)

“ily) who would spearhead God’s deliverance of his people” (Page 349)

“making implicit and explicit claims which, if not true, would be blasphemous” (Page 351)

The contributors should be applauded loudly. They have condensed often arcane and bewildering terminology into easily understandable terms . . . [with] sound, no-nonsense scholarship and laudatory lack of trendism.

Philosophy & Religion

Recommended for students, teachers, and ministers. . . . A worthy addition to any library.

Christian Scholars Review

The values of this work are many. The philosophical articles are most helpful, as are the ones on different heresies which have plagued the Church for the past two thousand years. The text is readable, and even a casual perusal of this work will enrich the reader’s understanding of his/her heritage.

Journal of Psychology and Theology

  • Title: New Dictionary of Theology
  • Editors: Sinclair B. Ferguson, J. I. Packer, and David F. Wright
  • Publisher: IVP
  • Publication Date: 1988
  • Logos Release Date: 2002
  • Pages: 757
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital > Logos Edition
  • Subject: Theology > Dictionaries
  • Resource ID: LLS:42.110.11
  • Resource Type: Encyclopedia

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Sinclair B. Ferguson is the senior minister at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina, and serves as a professor of systematic theology at Westminster Seminary in Dallas, Texas.

J. I. Packer is a board of governors’ professor of theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He also serves as a contributing editor to Christianity Today. His writings include Knowing God, A Quest for Godliness, Growing in Christ, and Rediscovering Holiness, as well as numerous articles published in journals such as Churchman, SouthWestern Journal, Christianity Today, Reformation & Revival Journal, and Touchstone.

David F. Wright(1937–2008) was a professor of patristic and Reformation Christianity at New College, University of Edinburgh. He wrote a number of books on both historical and theological topics.

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7 ratings

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  1. Ken McClurkin

    Ken McClurkin


  2. Ernst-Hermann Jänicke
    Warum ließ man einen so wichtigen Artikel, wie ihn die Prädestination darstellt, von einem Calvinisten schreiben? Da fehlt mir zum Einen die Neutralität und zum anderen die biblische Sicht der Dinge. Einseitigkeit ist keine gute Voraussetzung für eine Nachschlagewerk. Why did they have such an important article as predestination written by a Calvinist? On the one hand, I find neutrality lacking, and on the other hand, the biblical view of things. One-sidedness is not a good prerequisite for a reference work.
  3. Robert J Richardson
  4. Ron Hale

    Ron Hale


    Nice resource, but now well indexed into Logos. This resource did not show up in any Passage Guide, Topic Guide, or Factbook search that I tested. The New Dictionary of Biblical Theology works much better.
  5. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  6. John R. Davis

    John R. Davis


  7. Richard Riggs

    Richard Riggs



Digital list price: $40.99
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