Digital Logos Edition
Given all that has been written about the Gospel of John over the past 20 centuries, can anything more possibly be said about it? Yes, says Jerome Neyrey—by reading this "maverick Gospel" in terms of ancient rhetoric and cultural anthropology.
By interpreting the text in these two fresh ways, Neyrey distinctively illuminates the Gospel of John, casting new light on its theological message and on such topics as Jesus practice of secrecy, foot-washing as transformation ritual, and the Jewish background of Jesus equality with God. Neyrey’s scholarly study will certainly educate—and at times provoke—attentive readers.
In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Be sure to check out Eerdmans Studies on the New Testament Collection (5 vols.).
“Contrary to the charge in 5:18, the proper statement should be ‘God makes Jesus equal to himself.’” (Page 180)
“four forms of worship: prayer, prophecy, homily, judgment” (Page 379)
“the brothers belong to ‘the world’ which ‘hates’ Jesus” (Page 194)
“First, the author Fourth Gospel knows the traditional code for praising persons as is found in the encomium exercise in the progymnasmata. Second, the Fourth Gospel uses this rhetorical manner in a sly and clever manner because there are two encomia in the narrative: one characterizes outsiders who see things literally and inadequately (= vituperation) and another represents insiders who know what is going on, glory in their secrets and smirk at the outsiders (= encomium).” (Page 4)
“for praising a person according to fixed, regular categories (origins, parents, nurture, virtues, and death” (Page 3)
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Jerome H. Neyrey is professor emeritus of New Testament at the University of Notre Dame. His other books include Give God the Glory: Ancient Prayer and Worship in Cultural Perspective and the Gospel of John in the New Cambridge Bible Commentary.