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Products>Teaching Jeremiah: From Text to Message (Teaching the Text)

Teaching Jeremiah: From Text to Message (Teaching the Text)

Digital Logos Edition

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Jeremiah was called as a prophet to warn Israel that their rebellious hearts and rejection of God and his ways would lead to judgement. His prophecies of Babylonian exile and the destruction of the temple come to pass, but in among the bad news, he also brings the promise of hope—that God’s people will return to the land, that God will send his Messiah, and that all nations will one day acknowledge Israel’s God. Bob Fyall’s valuable addition to the Teaching series will help preachers and Bible study leaders to work through this Major Prophet and see the faithfulness of God in the face of the faithlessness of his people.

  • Helps the pastor/preacher, a small group leader or a youth worker teach their way through Jeremiah
  • Combines commentary-style exegesis with direction on preaching
  • Includes study questions and other tools for teaching

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