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Products>The IVP New Testament Commentary Series | IVPNTC (20 vols.)

The IVP New Testament Commentary Series | IVPNTC (20 vols.)

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Collection value: $385.80
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Pastors with a passion for sound exposition have joined forces with scholars with pastoral hearts to produce this exciting commentary series. These 20 volumes, informed by the best of recent evangelical scholarship, expound the implications of each New Testament book for today's church. Within the unique series format, pastors, teachers and Bible study leaders alike will find clear, forceful presentations of the heart of each New Testament author's message, coupled with helpful attention to tough exegetical issues. Seldom have such readable commentary and solid help been available in the same volume.

  • Designed for those who preach and teach from scripture
  • Passage-by-passage exposition
  • Based on the NIV
  • Includes background information and discussion of critical issues
  • Clear exposition of the text that pays attention to important exegetical issues
  • Notes on exegetical issues separated from textual commentary
  • Describes different views on interpreting the text
  • Offers an engaging discussion of the text's meaning and application for today's church
  • Contributors are some of the best recent evangelical scholars

In an age of proliferating commentary series, one might easily ask why add yet another to the seeming glut. The simplest answer is that no other series has yet achieved what we had in mind—a series to and from the church, that seeks to move from the text to its contemporary relevance and application.

No other series offers the unique combination of solid, biblical exposition and helpful explanatory notes in the same user-friendly format. No other series has tapped the unique blend of scholars and pastors who share both a passion for faithful exegesis and a deep concern for the church. Based on the New International Version of the Bible, one of the most widely used modern translations, the IVP New Testament Commentary Series builds on the NIV's reputation for clarity and accuracy. Individual commentators indicate clearly whenever they depart from the standard translation as required by their understanding of the original Greek text.

The series contributors represent a wide range of theological traditions, united by a common commitment to the authority of Scripture for Christian faith and practice. Their efforts here are directed toward applying the unchanging message of the New Testament to the ever-changing world in which we live.

Readers will find in each volume not only traditional discussions of authorship and backgrounds but useful summaries of principal themes and approaches to contemporary application. To bridge the gap between commentaries that stress the flow of an author's argument but skip over exegetical nettles and those that simply jump from one difficulty to another, we have developed our unique format that expounds the text in uninterrupted form on the upper portion of each page while dealing with other issues underneath in verse-keyed notes. To avoid clutter we have also adopted a social studies note system that keys references to the bibliography.

We offer the series in hope that pastors, students, Bible teachers and small group leaders of all sorts will find it a valuable aid—one that stretches the mind and moves the heart to ever-growing faithfulness and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Title: The IVP New Testament Commentary Series (IVPNTC) (20 vols.)
  • Editor: Grant R. Osborne
  • Publisher: InterVarsity Press
  • Volumes: 20
  • Pages: 5,910

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  1. Robert Polahar

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  2. Marco Ceccarelli
    Why no page's numbers here????
  3. Richard Villarreal
  4. Ryan Gerbrandt

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  5. Jon Boyd

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  6. "Reggie Kelly"
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Collection value: $385.80
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