Digital Logos Edition
No New Testament book has caused as much confusion and been subjected to as many varied interpretations as Revelation. Today we continue to witness a surge of popular interest in Bible prophecy and questions concerning such matters as the “last days” and the second coming of Christ. Scholarly debates continue as well, especially regarding the occurrence, timing, and theological significance of the “tribulation” and the “millennium.” It is therefore the special task of the commentator on Revelation to address such difficult questions in a scholarly and responsible manner while also remaining accessible to pastors, students, and general readers.
When first published, this volume on Revelation by Robert H. Mounce was widely praised as a standard commentary on the Apocalypse. In this new edition, now based on the NIV and NA27, Mounce has revised and expanded his work to reflect more than 20 additional years of mature thought on Revelation and to bring his work up to date with the latest scholarship. As in the original edition, Mounce here engages seriously with the various approaches to interpretation and with the conventions common to apocalyptic literature. In affirming more directly his own reading of the Apocalypse, Mounce steers a middle course between an extreme literalism and a highly imaginative subjectivism, believing this to be the way the ancient text spoke to the first-century churches to whom it was addressed—and the way it still speaks to us today.
“Good works and pure doctrine are not adequate substitutes for that rich relationship of mutual love shared by those who have experienced for the first time the redemptive love of God. The Ephesian church had forsaken its first love. The expression includes both love of God and love of humanity at large, but here it seems to refer mainly to the love that the Ephesian converts had for one another (as in 2 John 5).” (Page 69)
“The major weakness with this position is that it leaves the book without any particular significance for those to whom it is addressed.” (Page 28)
“The preterist, or contemporary-historical (zeitgeschichtlich), interpretation understands the Apocalypse from the standpoint of its first-century historical setting.” (Pages 26–27)
“A cooling of personal love for God inevitably results in the loss of harmonious relationships within the body of believers.” (Page 70)
“The major problem with the preterist position is that the decisive victory portrayed in the latter chapters of the Apocalypse was never achieved.” (Page 27)
Mounce’s work attempts to break out of the straightjacket of traditional categories. An important work by an evangelical scholar representing a moderating viewpoint.
—Southwestern Journal of Theology
A model of a good critical commentary. Mounce has brought together in a masterly fashion the best of recent discussions. The standard evangelical commentary on the Apocalypse.
—Christianity Today
An important contribution to the literature on the last book of the Bible. It is comprehensive, the style is lucid, and the research thorough.
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Robert H. Mounce is president emeritus of Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington, and a noted New Testament Greek scholar. The author of many articles and books, including a popular commentary on Revelation titled What Are We Waiting For? and the New International Biblical Commentary volume on Matthew, he also helped produce the NIV, NIrV, NLT, ESV, and HCSB translations.
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