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Products>Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament | BECNT)

Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament | BECNT)

ISBN: 9781441251053

Digital Logos Edition

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In this addition to the acclaimed BECNT series, Darrell Bock provides a thoroughly evangelical commentary on Acts in this volume. With extensive and current research from major works written in the last 15 years and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, Bock covers all aspects of the book of Acts—sociological, historical, and theological—for a deeper understanding of Acts. He also seeks to make his commentary readable and concise for those that are not knowledgeable in Greek.

Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of this resource by enabling you to find what you’re looking for with unparalleled speed and precision. You get easy access to Scripture texts and to a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Hovering over Scripture references links you instantly to the verse you’re looking for, and with Logos’ advanced features, you can delve into your study like never before!

Key Features

  • Blends academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity, and accessibility
  • Includes abbreviations and Hebrew and Greek transliteration
  • Provides indexes of subjects, authors, Greek words, Scripture, and other ancient writings

Praise for the Print Edition

Darrell Bock’s long-anticipated sequel to his fine and detailed work on the Gospel of Luke is now available . . . Written in a clear and engaging manner that most anyone can grasp, yet without skimping on interaction with scholarly discussion, Bock manages to critically analyze the huge corpus of literature on Acts with grace and finesse and to make his own contributions along the way. This commentary will serve us well for many years to come.

Ben Witherington III, professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary, doctoral faculty, St. Andrews University

. . . While unfailingly traditional in its interests and scope, Bock remains in touch with today’s church by seeking to facilitate a robust conversation between Acts and contemporary readers. I especially appreciate his attention to the theological cast of Acts, rightly identifying God as the story’s central character and the text’s most essential referent. Judicious, learned, reverent, as clearly written as it is clear headed in exegetical decisions, Bock’s commentary makes a fine contribution to Acts criticism. I recommend its use for the seminary classroom and the pastor’s study.

Robert W. Wall, Paul T. Walls Professor of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies, Seattle Pacific University

Product Details

  • Title: Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Acts
  • Author: Darrell L. Bock
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 880

About Darrell L. Bock

Darrell L. Bock (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is a research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author or editor of many books, including the volumes on Luke in the Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (8 Vols.) and the IVP New Testament Commentary Series (18 Vols.).

Top Highlights

“The expression ‘devoting themselves’ has the idea of persistence or persevering in something” (Page 149)

“We have already noted that this work is the sequel to Luke’s Gospel. The Acts of the Apostles highlights God’s plan of salvation and how God established the new era that resulted from Jesus’s ministry, death, and resurrection. It explains how a seemingly new movement is actually rooted in ancient promises associated with Judaism and yet includes Gentiles.” (Page 6)

“Community life is summarized as involving four key areas: apostolic teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread together, and prayer.” (Page 149)

“In all likelihood, this is a request to be faithful to the one true God, to be moral in worship, and to have sensitivity to issues of unclean animals and eating strangled animals without draining the blood, as Lev. 17:13–14 and 18:6–30 suggest. The limitations are probably to keep relations from becoming strained in a mixed community of Jews and Gentiles as well as to warn about association with idolatry. It is quite likely that the prohibition relates especially to attending pagan temples and what goes with them.” (Page 506)

“The phrase ‘end of the earth,’ then, is geographic and ethnic in scope, inclusive of all people and locales.” (Page 65)

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12 ratings

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  1. Alessandro



  2. Ruben C Casas

    Ruben C Casas


    Jason, this commentary in print is 880 pages, according to Amazon.
  3. Dr Jason Harris
    Anyone know how many pages this is?
  4. Scott Custer

    Scott Custer


  6. Michael Kramer

    Michael Kramer


  7. William



  8. Ask Mr. Religion
  9. Jenn Brown

    Jenn Brown


  10. Ricardo de Paula Meneghelli
