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Products>Ancient Greek Poetry Collection (8 vols.)

Ancient Greek Poetry Collection (8 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $143.60
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The Ancient Greek Poetry Collection is a comprehensive compilation of Greek lyric poetry, containing all that remains of Greek lyric poetry from Eumelus to Timotheus. This includes small anonymous works from the seventh to fifth centuries BC and a multitude of short poetic songs, such as Alcaeus’ War-Songs, Simonides’ songs for Olympic athletes, SophoclesPaens, and works by Aristotle and Euripides. Greek Lyric poetry is often lost in the shadows of the more popular epic and dramatic Greek poetry; this collection highlights the prominent authors without excluding the less-known works that were crucial in the formation of the genre. Each individual volume is separated by author for easy navigation; most include a short biography.

The Odes of Pindar is a collection of Pindar’s extended odes, and includes a biography and an analysis of his writing style. Pindar, regarded as one the greatest lyric poets, wrote poems that are understandable by the casual reader, yet perplexing even to modern scholars. Comparable in style to that of Bacchylides, Pindar’s work shows characteristics of archaic genres, and Pindar was the first Greek poet to meditate on the nature of poetry and the poet’s role. This collection is essential for any historian or literary scholar, expert or casual, seeking a comprehensive collection of ancient Greek poetry.

This collection contains the complete texts in their Loeb Classical Library editions. Each text is included in its original Greek, with an English translation for side-by-side comparison. Use Logos’ language tools to go deeper into the Greek text with linked translations, definitions, and pronunciation tools. You can also use the dictionary lookup tool to examine difficult English words used by the translator.

Key Features

  • Loeb Classical Library editions
  • Poetry from over 60 ancient Greek authors
  • Biographical information on most of the included poets

Product Details

  • Title: Ancient Greek Poetry Collection
  • Authors: Olympus, Eumelus, Terpander, Thaletas, Polymnastus, Alcman, Arion, Sappho, Alcaeus, Echembrotus, Sacadas of Argos, Xanthus, Stesichorus, Ibycus, Anacreon, Lasus, Apollodorus, Tynnichus, Telesilla, Simonides, Timocreon, Myrtis, Corinna, Lamprocles, Charixena, Dionysius, Lamprus, Pratinas, Diagoras, Cydias, Cedeides, Praxill, Bacchylides, Sophocles, Ion of Chios, Melandippides, Euripides, Hieronymus, Cleomennes, Lamynthius, Gnesippus, Leothroiophides, Cinesias, Phrynis, Pronomus, Telestes, Timotheus, Licymnius, Philoxenus son of Eryxis, Philoxenus of Leucas, Philoxenus of Cythera, Ariphron, Polyidus, Telles, Lysimachus, Aristotle, Hermolochus, Lycophronides, Xenocritus, Xenodamus, Myia, Mynna, Theano, and Pindar
  • Translators: J. D. Edmonds and Sir John Sandy
  • Series: Loeb Classical Library
  • Publisher: William Heinemann
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 2,406
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$143.60
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Collection value: $143.60
Save $90.61 (63%)

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