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Products>The Book of Isaiah, 3 vols. (New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)

The Book of Isaiah, 3 vols. (New International Commentary on the Old Testament | NICOT)

, 1965–1972

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $71.97
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Edward J. Young’s classic 3-volume commentary engages in a line-by-line exegesis of the Book of Isaiah, setting interpretation firmly in the context of Isaiah’s archaeological, cultural, and intellectual background. Young allows the prophet to speak for himself and to expound his message for the present age. Written primarily for the minister, Sunday school teacher and general layperson, the theologically conservative commentary provides very few Hebrew words in the main body of the text. However, in order to serve those pastors, teachers and students who do know the Hebrew language, Young has provided technical material in the footnotes or in special notes.

Dr. Young firmly believes Isaiah to be a unified, single-author book, although he respectfully interacts with opposing views. As an Old Testament scholar he concentrates primarily on the meaning of the text rather than on specific textual problems. He uses his own semiliteral translation of the Hebrew throughout the commentary in order to express the force of the original, thereby giving the reader a fuller understanding of the prophet’s message. It is the author’s hope that this commentary will “encourage men and women to read the Old Testament and to encourage ministers to preach therefrom.”

The Book of Isaiah (3 vols.) was the inaugural commentary for the New International Commentary Series!

  • Outlines
  • Eight Appendices
  • Index of Persons
  • Index of Authors
  • Bibliography
The first really significant example of a thoroughly scholarly conservative commentary since Keil and Delitzsch.

—Moody Monthly

The special value of this book lies in the fullness and depth of the exposition and the erudition of the footnotes. . . These alone justify its purchase by the layman, the minister, and the student.

—The Evangelical Quarterly

This book is deserving of strong praise and is heartily commended to all.


  • Title: The Book of Isaiah (3 Vols.)
  • Author: Edward J. Young
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 1972
  • Pages: 1,681
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$212.93

Edward Young (1907–1968) was Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He received an A.B from Stanford University, a Th.B and Th.M from Westminster Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from Dropsie College. An ordained minister, he was the General Editor of the New International Commentary on the Old Testament and published, among other works, an Old Testament Introduction, and The Prophecy of Daniel.


28 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Jan van Straaten
    Excelent commentaries
    Much more than what I had needed at that time.
  4. Louie Verdin

    Louie Verdin


    I owned this soft cover 3 volume set before it became available in logos. Dr. Young provides great commentary and skillful understanding of Isaiah. Awesome commentary set...Highly recommend it!
  5. Chi Shun Cheung
  6. Steven Edward Danner
  7. Nathan Chapman
    This is a very enjoyable read with a great deal of insight to compare with other texts on the book of Isaiah.
  8. Brian J Munro
  9. George Crocker
  10. Mark A Rioux

    Mark A Rioux



Collection value: $71.97
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