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Products>Hebrew-English Dictionary and Lexicon Pack: Large (34 vols.)

Hebrew-English Dictionary and Lexicon Pack: Large (34 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $1,490.88
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Starting at $68.48/mo at checkout

Expand your Hebrew library for extensive research

Whether using your Logos Bible Word Study Guide or enhancing the results in your context menu, this collection of Hebrew–English dictionaries and lexicons includes a diverse selection of resources for deep investigation of Hebrew words, including:

  • Dictionary of Classical Hebrew (DCH)
  • Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament (TDOT)
  • Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (BDB)
  • And more

Leading scholars from a variety of Christian traditions across the globe contributed articles on individual words that explain the word’s semantic range, present its morphology, and identify its meaning in the Old Testament. This collection:

  • Provides extensive research and analysis on every major word group in biblical Hebrew and Aramaic
  • Documents semantical range, philology, and morphology using form-critical and historical-critical methods
  • Includes analysis of other ancient Near Eastern texts, including Qumran’s texts, as well as the Septuagint
  • Includes an introductory overview of the history of Aramaic
  • Provides a lexicon of biblical Hebrew and Aramaic and other relevant terms
  • Contains a bibliography with cross-references to the entire TDOT series
  • Features an index for keywords in Hebrew, Aramaic, and English


Dictionary of Classical Hebrew (DCH)

  • Covers the period from the earliest times to 200 CE
  • Covers the biblical texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Hebrew inscriptions
  • Brings together a comprehensive index to volumes 1–8 of the Cline's Dictionary of Classical Hebrew
  • Provides word frequency tables for ancient Hebrew vocabulary
  • Includes Hebrew words outside the biblical Hebrew corpus
  • Features an English–Hebrew index in each volume

Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament (TLOT)

  • Evaluates each term’s theological relevance by clearly describing its actual usage in the language, unlike traditional lexicons
  • Makes available to readers many form- and tradition-critical insights which—until now—have been buried in scattered commentaries, monographs, Old Testament theologies, and journal articles
  • Provides individual concise, well-structured articles of histories of research, which contain conclusions, comprehensive discussions of controversies, and references to the most important literature in several related disciplines

A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language for Readers of English

  • Provides detailed etymologies of some 30,000 words and word forms—in an easy-to-use volume unique in scope and authority
  • Traces the history of the language by identifying the way its vocabulary has changed, in meaning and in usage, over the centuries
  • Features many useful aids to research, including guides for the translation of Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic
  • Features complete guides to abbreviations, symbols, and reference sources used in the book
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:$1,500.88

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  1. Anderson Abreu

    Anderson Abreu



Collection value: $1,490.88
Save $490.89 (32%)
Starting at $68.48/mo at checkout