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Products>The Branch Exposition of the Bible (2 vols.)

The Branch Exposition of the Bible (2 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $110.98
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A great deal of biblical scholarship is written for academics and fails to edify readers or strengthen their Christian ministry. Yet, Christians need to be nourished by the word of God so they can mature in faith and righteousness. Filling this gap, The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a resource for preachers, scholars and ordinary Christians alike, to help open God’s word and shed its light into life, ministry and teaching.

Inspired by the words of the great reformer Martin Luther about shaking every branch of Scripture, and with experience in ministering across Africa, India and the West, Michael A. Eaton helps us understand the meaning of the Bible and taste its fruit. Together with the New Testament volume, this exposition of the Old Testament accessibly engages with the biblical languages, gives application for our lives and leads us through each book of the Old Testament so that we can meet the resurrected Jesus Christ in the pages of Scripture.

  • Provides a resource for preachers, scholars, and everyday Christians alike
  • Engages with the biblical languages and gives application for our lives
The most valuable commentary on the Bible to come along in a century.

—Rev. R. T. Kendall, PhD

I often recommend one-volume Bible commentaries to young Christians who don’t have much Bible knowledge, and I also recommend them to preachers who have got lost in the forest of complexities caused by reading too many commentaries! The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a one-volume New Testament commentary which has three striking qualities vital for contemporary ministry. First, Michael Eaton expounds the books of the New Testament in the context of ministry, rather than the academy. Second, he does not assume the values and knowledge of Christendom, a necessary stance in a non-Christian or post-Christian context. Third, he shows multi-cultural awareness in his interpretation and application. A very useful book for a young Christian, as well as a Bible study leader or preacher.

—Peter Adam, PhD

Michael Eaton was one of those rare biblical scholars whose years of pastoral and preaching experience enabled him to write expositions of the biblical text that are profoundly simple without being simplistic and shallow. In the Langham Preaching programme we have three tests for good preaching: faithfulness (working hard to understand and explain what the biblical author meant), clarity (using good structure to make your own meaning clear), and relevance (showing how the text speaks and applies to our lives today). Michael Eaton passes all three tests with distinction. Having his commentaries on the New Testament collected into this single volume will be an enormous blessing to the church.

—Christopher J. H. Wright

What a fantastic resource! The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a unique commentary for churches around the world, written by a skilled theologian, pastor and preacher. Through a life-time of ministry across several continents, Michael Eaton understood the needs of preachers, and in this volume he not only carefully explains the heart of each passage, but provides a clear and simple structure that will greatly help preachers young and old. Whatever part of the New Testament we turn to, we discover a penetrating explanation of its context, content and meaning, with manageable sections and clear headings that lead the reader through the text. This is an invaluable handbook for preachers, providing the foundations for Bible-based, truth-filled, memorably shaped and powerfully relevant preaching.

—Jonathan Lamb

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  1. David Anfinrud
    It is not a bad commentary set for a Whole Body Commentary. There are good comments and some weak ones but you always find things that are slightly different emphasis. But that is good to give you an overview of a Passage. I do a number of spot checks on favorite passages. Most of what I have read is clearly what I understand. Emphasis on certain aspects are well described. I am not a Preacher so does it meant a Preachers Commentary level to give a start on a Sermon. Unknown. But I do like the emphasis and use of Bold within some of the passages to clearly show important aspects of a topic in that section.


Collection value: $110.98
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