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Products>1 & 2 Timothy, Titus (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

1 & 2 Timothy, Titus (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

, 1999
ISBN: 9780310427308

Digital Logos Edition

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In the volume on 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, Walter Liefeld reveals the context and meanings of Paul's letters to two leaders in the early Christian church. He explores the present-day implications of these epistles and helps the reader to accurately apply the principles they contain to contemporary issues.

  • All Scripture references are linked directly to the Bibles in your digital library
  • The NIV Application Commentary will appear whenever you run Passage Guides and other reports in Logos Bible Software
  • Three sections for every passage:
    • Original Meaning
    • Bridging Contexts
    • Contemporary Significance

Top Highlights

“The military image here has to do not with warfare but with disciplined obedience; the athletic image deals less with success and more with conformity to the rules; the agricultural image stresses hard work.” (Page 247)

“It is noteworthy that here in 1 Timothy 3:1 Paul defines being an overseer in terms of function (‘a noble task’), not of status or office. He is not encouraging people to seek status but responsibility.” (Page 116)

“The common thread to all these areas is that they are related to public behavior and that this behavior is linked with living ‘peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness’ (v. 2), which, in turn, relates to the church’s outreach to the non-Christian world (vv. 3–7). If this commentary is correct in seeing the interrelationship of belief and behavior as a major distinctive of the Pastoral Letters, the present passage is an important example of that.” (Page 105)

“This fact will require attention in the application of the text to our day. An additional factor in the interpretation of the quietness and submission of women in learning is that this attitude was also expected of male students studying under a rabbi, who, after ordination, would be both teaching and exercising authority.” (Page 97)

“In fact, it is surprising that the qualifications only touch obliquely on doctrine; the emphasis is almost entirely on moral integrity.” (Page 115)

This is the pulpit commentary for the twenty-first century.

—George K. Brushaber, president, Bethel College and Seminary

The NIV Application Commentary meets the urgent need for an exhaustive and authoritative commentary based on the New International Version. This series will soon be found in libraries and studies throughout the evangelical community.

—Dr. James Kennedy, PhD Senior Minister, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

It is encouraging to find a commentary that is not only biblically trustworthy but also contemporary in its application. The NIV Application Commentary will prove to be a helpful tool in the pastor’s sermon preparation. I use it and recommend it.

Charles F. Stanley, pastor, First Baptist Church of Atlanta

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Walter L. Liefeld is distinguished professor emeritus of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and is the author of Luke in the Expositor's Bible Commentary series.

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11 ratings

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  1. Tyler Roberts

    Tyler Roberts


  2. Randy



    This commentary is frustratingly long-winded. Just when you think Liefeld is about to come to a conclusion on what the text means, he delays revealing his application, while slowly, repeatedly, and incrementally trying to prepare the reader to accept layer after layer of precepts by which he will later reveal his conclusion. After finally reading his conclusion, I am under the impression the reason for this, was because he knew he couldn't just come right out and tell you what he believes, or it would obviously contradict what the passage plainly states. For example, before revealing his application of what 1 Timothy 2:11-15 means for us today, he reasons that if opponents of the no-restrictions on women view are willing to accept the idea that women don't have to wear head coverings today, even though 1 Corinthians 11 insists on it, then they should also be okay with finding "alternate" ways for women to not teach or exercise authority over a man today, even if that means letting women teach and exercise authority over men. He states: "If it is reasonably argued that there are other ways women today should observe the eight truths in 1 Corinthians 11 than by wearing head-coverings, it is certainly also reasonable for women to observe the two truths in 1 Timothy by other means than refraining from teaching and exercising auhority. (NIV Application Commentary, on 1 Timothy 2:11-15). Liefeld subtly presents this kind of crafty reasoning again and again, claiming to the effect that if we don't let him reach similar conclusions in his application of the text, then we are being "inconsistent" and hypocritical. That's not an exegetical argument. It's a twisted, political justification. Despite his denials that he's yielding to cultural relativism during the "exposition" phase, Liefeld ultimately dismisses what 1 Timothy 2:11-15 says about not allowing women to teach or exercise authority over a man as being a culturally irrelevant "hinderance" for evangelism today. While he agrees the text DID plainly mean what it said about prohibiting women from teaching or exercising authority over men at the time it was written, he claims that was only a temporary restriction, due to the cultural situations existing in Paul's day. He then concludes that for our day, we should do the exact opposite, or else we're a "hinderance" to God's greater goal of making the gospel appealing to the lost. I've never seen such a subtle, crafty, deceitful attempt to circumvent the plain statements of Scripture, as this commentary presents, excepting for Satan's similar lies to Eve, in Genesis, by which he tricked her into trying to usurp God's authority.
  3. cleburne clark
  4. Trong Duc Phan
  5. Dave St. Hilaire
  6. Allen Bingham
  7. Albert Cooper

    Albert Cooper


  8. John Park

    John Park


  9. Bill Shewmaker
  10. Serge Descoeurs
